This Would Be a Good Week to Get Sick
“This would be a good week to get sick.” I distinctly remember saying those words as I drove to church one Sunday morning. I was

Read an Excerpt of To Be Made Well
READ EXCERPT PRE-ORDER A friend of mine recently asked me whether I was relaxing a lot in this time between completing the manuscript of To

A Black Woman on the Supreme Court
Last month, Justice Stephen Breyer announced he would retire from the Supreme Court, giving President Biden an opportunity to name his successor. Biden reminded the

The Deep Truth Within Encanto
I’m one of the few parents on the planet who only just saw Encanto. I’ve sung along in the car to “We Don’t Talk About

Sharon Hodde Miller Endorses To Be Made Well
Amy Julia Becker is one of the best practical theologians writing today. Her books are poignant, personal, and deeply profound, and To Be Made Well

Love Looks Like Fish Tacos
Sometimes love comes in the form of fish tacos. I’ve been eating as a pescatarian for a few weeks now. Our family knows this, but

S5 E13 | Practically Divine and the Presence of Love with Becca Stevens
In a world of pain, can one person—one action—make a difference? Becca Stevens, author of Practically Divine, talks with Amy Julia Becker about the healing

Healing Begets Healing
Healing begets healing. Those were the words that came to me last week as I looked at a story in the gospel of Luke where

I’d Like to Welcome You Here!
It is so fun having so many new people around here! I wanted to welcome you into this space and introduce myself: 1. I have

My Recurrent Problem With Time
I have a recurrent problem with time. I often think that if I just had more time, then I would be happy. Or if I

The Link-Up (January/February 2022)
My top 5 recommendations of what to read, watch, or listen to from the past month that I shared in my monthly update (you can

What Energizes Me? Anxiety or Love?
Anxiety often wakes me up in the morning (not to mention in the middle of the night). My concern over the to-do list and my

Flourishing with Down Syndrome
When I was still pregnant with Penny, I had a sense that God had given me a passage from the Bible for her. It came

For Those of Us Who Feel Politically Homeless
Jesus wasn’t a Democrat or a Republican. Jesus wasn’t a liberal or a conservative, which is good news for those of us who feel politically

Returning to the Light (and the Lenten Devotional)
My husband Peter is one of the few people I know who celebrates the winter solstice. He even found the moment of “minimum declination”—the exact

The Shared Delight of Wordle
As a mom, I’ve found that I want one thing I share with each kid that is just for the two of us. With Penny,

In Black History Month, 3 Ways to Change the Racial Wealth Gap
A friend of mine called the other day. She had Covid, so she decided to do some genealogical research to while away the hours in

Heather Avis Endorses To Be Made Well
I am so grateful for the early readers who were willing to endorse To Be Made Well. Thank you, Heather Avis, for taking the time

Delta Air Lines and Disability
Peter recently flew home and noticed that Delta Air Line’s opening safety video included an image of a man with Down syndrome sitting in the

S5 E12 | Racism: Can Learning History Bring Healing? with Lisa Sharon Harper
Learning the history of enslavement and racism illuminates the path to repentance and repair. Lisa Sharon Harper, leading faith and race activist and author

God Gives Us More Than We Can Handle
In her book Suffer Strong, Katherine Wolf writes, “It seems that God does give us more than we can handle—sometimes much more. And yet He