The Joy of Kids Being Kids
After two years of events that couldn’t happen and interrupted plans and convoluted performances and postponed dreams, it is all the more joyful to see

In the Wake of the Supreme Court’s Decision, The Lord’s Prayer
How can we respond with compassion, justice, and love in the wake of the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade? Is this ruling

Three Summer Reads
These are my first three reads for the summer: Futuristic sci-fi: Sea of Tranquility Historical fiction: Horse Contemporary mystery: The Madness of Crowds What is

Video Teaching for To Be Made Well
I have been dreaming for a long time of creating a teaching series to accompany To Be Made Well. I could imagine the content. But

Gifts that Emerge Out of Belovedness
When I was in sixth grade, we moved to Connecticut. I ended up in the “talented and gifted program” at my school. My “gifts” seemed

The Center of Healing is Belovedness
The center of healing is belovedness. Healing happens in three steps (that aren’t necessarily linear): acknowledge hurt, ask for help, and take small steps towards

8th Grade Graduation: Who They Are Becoming
William graduated from eighth grade last week. He’s headed to boarding school next year, so this day marked the end of an era in multiple

Happy Father’s Day 2022
Peter and I were married for six years before we had kids, and we had been dating for five years before that. We both remember

Juneteenth: Remembering to Celebrate
Juneteenth, a newly recognized national holiday, is in a couple of days. While some Black Americans have celebrated this day for generations, others of us

David Bailey Endorses To Be Made Well
Amy Julia is a brilliant writer who has masterfully explored the complex and sensitive topic of healing in a vulnerable, sobering, and comprehensive way. Whether

Normie Film Streaming Now
WATCH NORMIE REGISTER for the Reimagining Family Life with Disability Workshop Our family was featured in a documentary called Normie. It’s a film that tells

S5 E21 | Becoming a Race-Wise Family with Helen Lee
How do we raise children who will stand against racial injustice? Helen Lee, co-author of The Race-Wise Family, and Amy Julia Becker discuss why it’s

Stubbornness and Down Syndrome
“People with Down syndrome are stubborn.” I’ve heard it from the time Penny was born. From therapists, teachers, doctors, and other parents. It has always

Work of the Household
I talk with my friends ALL the time about how much time it takes to handle the work of the household. Many of these friends

Summer Reading: The Midnight Library
It is time for summer reading lists!!! And yes, I hope To Be Made Well will be on the top of many lists this summer,

A 5-Minute Practice: Pay Attention to God’s Love
We are constantly invited into the healing love of God. – To Be Made Well Here’s a 5-minute practice to go along with this quote:

To Be Made Well, in the World
So first there was the moment I walked into our local bookstore and saw To Be Made Well on display. And then there was the

Northern Civil Rights Tour
Where would you go in the Northeast to learn the story of Black Americans? (Really and truly–I’m looking for advice here.) This summer I’m planning