Season 3 | White Picket Fences
Season Three—Race, class, identity, privilege. These are topics and concepts that divide us, but what if we could start talking about them? Through conversation and stories that follow the themes of my book, White Picket Fences: Turning toward Love in a World Divided by Privilege, we are going to explore these hard topics in order to move together towards healing.
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S3 E20 | When Love Is Our Home, Healing Begins
Do we want to get well? Within the reality of the harm of privilege and ongoing division, Amy Julia concludes this season of the podcast

S3 E19 | Loving Our Enemies in a Nation Divided with David Bailey
The presidential election does not change the church’s assignment. David Bailey, the executive director of Arrabon, talks with Amy Julia about the practices of reconciling

S3 E18 | American Politics, Power, and Human Flourishing with Andy Crouch
As Americans vote in the 2020 national and local elections, is there hope for power, politics, and privilege to foster human flourishing? Andy Crouch, the

S3 E17 | How the Church Can Support School Reform with Nicole Baker Fulgham
Do we, as a society, truly think that every child can succeed in school? Nicole Baker Fulgham, president and founder of The Expectations Project, talks

S3 E16 | Normie: What is Normal Through the Lens of Down Syndrome with Annemarie Carrigan and Kurt Neale
What is normal? Normie is a coming-of-age film about a young woman with Down syndrome. Today, Annemarie Carrigan, the lead cast member of Normie, and

S3 E15 | Who Belongs? Disability and the Built World with Sara Hendren
How does “the built world”—the chairs, rooms, and streets that guide our bodies every day— implicitly ascribe worth to human beings? How does the built

S3 E14 | The Astonishing Hope of a Mortal Life with J. Todd Billings
Mortality is often connected to fear, so how does embracing a mortal life provide hope to individuals and communities? Professor Todd Billings, author of “The

S3 Bonus | What Is Privilege?
What is privilege? What is it not? How does privilege cause harm? In this bonus episode, Amy Julia describes her working definition of privilege, the

S3 E13 | Privilege, Wealth, and the Christ-Shaped Life with Paul Miller
How does the pattern of Jesus’ life reshape privilege, wealth, and community? Paul Miller, author of “J-Curve: Dying and Rising with Jesus in Everyday Life,” talks

S3 E12 | What Is Unjust About the Criminal Justice System with Dominique Gilliard
What would it mean for the criminal justice system to be unjust? And if it is, what should Christians do about it? Dominique Gilliard, author

S3 E11 | The Black Church’s Gift to Christianity with Esau McCaulley
The Black church has a gift for American Christianity. Are we all willing to receive it? New Testament scholar Esau McCaulley, author of “Reading While

S3 E10 | Anxiety, Affluence, and Identity with Niro Feliciano
In an achievement-oriented culture, how do we risk vulnerability in order to move toward personal and racial healing? Cognitive therapist Niro Feliciano talks with Amy

S3 E9 | How Jesus Overcomes the Barrier of Wealth with Marlena Graves
Fear often inhabits both wealth and poverty. How does viewing money and self-sacrifice through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus bring freedom and joy?

S3 E8 | Equality, Equity, and Education with Subira Gordon
What is the difference between equality and equity and how does that affect education? Subira Gordan, executive director of ConnCAN, talks with Amy Julia about

S3 E7 | Conversations About Whiteness with Cara Meredith
How does “color blindness” actually enable blindness to racism and the system of whiteness? Cara Meredith, author of The Color of Life: A Journey Toward

S3 E6 | Now Is the Time for Justice with Jemar Tisby
How do we find hope, particularly in white American churches, when our history and identity is intertwined with racism? How does knowing who we were—and

S3 E5 | Why I Wrote White Picket Fences
When it comes to the enduring legacy of racism, what place is there for forgiveness, humility, and healing? On today’s episode, Amy Julia’s friend Niro

S3 E4 | Challenging Comfort, Acknowledging Power, and Using Privilege with Natasha Robinson
Natasha Sistrunk Robinson began her career as a United States Marine and later worked in the Department of Homeland Security. She is now an author,

S3 Bonus | Talking with Our Kids About Race, Justice, Love, and Privilege
How do we talk with kids about race, justice, and privilege? In this follow up to last week’s interview with Patricia Raybon, Amy Julia interviews

S3 E3 | Our Different Stories Divide Us with Patricia Raybon
How do white parents talk with their children about race and racism? Why do white evangelical and Black Christians seem so socially and politically divided?

S3 E2 | Living into the Really Real with Micha Boyett
How can we talk about race and disability without conflating the two? How can white, able-bodied, neurotypical people enter into this conversation? What is the

S3 E1 | Waking Up to Privilege with David Bailey
Race, class, and the kingdom of God all come up in this conversation between Amy Julia and David Bailey, Director of Arrabon, a ministry to

Season 3 Trailer: White Picket Fences
Are you looking for a safe place to talk about race, class, and social divisions? Do you want to learn more about these topics? Do