What is the difference between equality and equity and how does that affect education? Subira Gordan, executive director of ConnCAN, talks with Amy Julia about the lack of equity in education, the effects this has on opportunities for children, the role of antiracism in education, and the questions we can ask to move our communities toward affirming antiracist policies.
Subira Gordan is the executive director of ConnCAN, an organization that is “leading a movement to improve education outcomes for Connecticut’s kids…to ensure that all kids in The Constitution State have access to a high-quality education, regardless of their address.” Connect with ConnCAN at @ConnCAN on Facebook and @conncan on Twitter.
“Your ZIP code should not determine your future.”
“Education is a great equalizer.”
“Everyone wants to keep what they have, and they don’t recognize that what they have was made possible by government policies.”
“We should be talking about how as a community we can affirm antiracist policies.”
On the Podcast:
- Episode with Patricia Raybon
- Research about Connecticut schools provided by ConnCAN (more info about equality, equity, and education)
After the Podcast—Continuing the Conversation with Amy Julia:
White Picket Fences, Season 3 of Love is Stronger Than Fear, is based on my book White Picket Fences. Check out free RESOURCES—action guide, discussion guides—that are designed to help you respond. Learn more about my writing and speaking at amyjuliabecker.com.
To go further with Amy Julia:
- Love is Stronger Than Fear | Season 3—White Picket Fences
- Announcing Head, Heart, Hands: An Action Guide
- AJB Recommends: Books, Podcasts, and Films About Racism and Privilege
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