What My Blog is About
If you are new to my blog, welcome! I blog about family, faith, disability, privilege, culture and the intersection of all of these realities. I

Reflections on Suffering… and Love
Last week, I spoke with a group of women about the age-old question of how a good God could allow acts of senseless terror and
Guest Sermon: Salem Covenant Church
The 4 Things John 5 teaches us about healing, which is to say, about God “Biblically speaking, health isn’t the absence of illness. Health isn’t

Vacation Recipe: Gazpacho
I am not a chef. I do not make complicated dishes. I repeat tried and true recipes to the point that guests will say things

Normie – A Down Syndrome Coming of Age Film
I experienced such deep joy at the Normie screening at the Five Senses Festival. Not only did I get to sit outside under the stars in

Guest Podcast: White Picket Fences at Mockingbird Conference 2019
One of the great joys of being invited to speak from White Picket Fences about the power of love to heal social divisions is getting
Summer Rewind: Learning what happiness is (and isn’t) from my daughter with Down syndrome
I started thinking about the words in 1 Corinthians 13–Paul’s famous passage about the nature of love–many years ago when Penny was first born. I

Summer Rewind: Reflections on Peace and Overcoming Anxiety
There is little I love more than sitting on the porch in the summertime with a glass of wine, a plate of appetizers, and a

Summer Rewind: Why my Bad Experience of Barbie as a White Woman Does Not Actually Compare to my Friend’s Bad Experience of Barbie as a Black Woman
I write a lot about understanding our common humanity as a basis for understanding, exploring, and even celebrating our diverse identities. But sometimes it is
5 Ways to Receive God’s Love – Open Door Sisterhood Guest Post – Amy Julia Becker
I’ve just written a guest blog post on The Open Door Sisterhood called 5 Ways to Receive God’s Love. Spoiler alert: it’s not about just

Podcast: How Do I Figure out Where to Go?
Listen to Amy Julia speak as a guest on a recent podcast In my latest blog post, I listed ten recommended podcasts covering topics including
10 Podcasts Recommended for Summer 2019
I listen to a lot of podcasts. Whether I’m doing laundry, driving to the store, washing dishes, or even just walking around the house, chances
Rhythms of Rest: An Invitation
Before you read this post, I need to preface it with a big caveat. It’s a post about taking regular time for silence and solitude,

10 Tips for Raising a Cool Kid with Down Syndrome (even if you’re a nerdy parent like me)
By Guest Contributor Stephanie Meredith A note from Amy Julia: I am grateful for Stephanie Meredith for all sorts of reasons. One, she’s the force

“Take Courage” Podcast Episode: Hope and Healing
Matt Miller is a pastor and communicator in Memphis, TN. He has a new podcast called Take Courage. In the recent “Hope and Healing” episode

7 More Diverse Book Recommendations & A Deeper Look
In a previous post, I set out to select 20 diverse books from a few of our children’s favorites in various age groups: toddler, pre-school,

4 Simple Lessons to Stay Connected to Your Spouse
Peter and I have been married for 20 years this week. I am grateful in a way that words cannot convey for the ways we

Trying to Expand Your Bookshelf? Here Are 20 Diverse Books for Kids of All Ages
Four years ago, I was working on a book about children’s literature. I loved the experience of reading out loud to our kids, especially reading

How Do I Figure Out Where To Go?
On my run a few weeks ago, I was thinking about how I am in a period of “figuring out what I want to do

Love Is Patient: In Memory of Jean Vanier
Jean Vanier and Abuse: Is His Work Discredited? “Love is patient.” This simple statement has been on my heart and mind this past week after
How to Talk with Your Children (and Friends) about Faith Pt. 2
Years ago, I wanted to pray for some friends of ours, a married couple who had a great interest in spirituality but who hadn’t landed