S3 E19 | Loving Our Enemies in a Nation Divided with David Bailey
The presidential election does not change the church’s assignment. David Bailey, the executive director of Arrabon, talks with Amy Julia about the practices of reconciling

I’m Scheduling Speaking Engagements for 2021!
A class of high school students studying bioethics. A small group of church members. A smattering of writers from across the nation. A spiritual book

AJB Recommends: Three Things That Have Brought Me Peace This Week
Are you looking for some healthy stress relief? Ways to turn your mind, heart, and attention away from discord and division and towards something more

Election Aftermath
It’s been a stressful week for most Americans when it comes to the state of our nation in the election aftermath. Even without a final

Uncertainty, Control, and the Election
We awoke to uncertainty, and I find myself wrestling with uncertainty, control, and the election. There is a part of me that wants to say,

S3 E18 | American Politics, Power, and Human Flourishing with Andy Crouch
As Americans vote in the 2020 national and local elections, is there hope for power, politics, and privilege to foster human flourishing? Andy Crouch, the

Prayer, the Presidential Election, and Acting Justly
After the 2016 presidential election, I wrote this about prayer: A heaviness hangs over our community. Most of the people I know are depressed by

Amy Coney Barrett, Down Syndrome, and Abortion
I have a new essay about Amy Coney Barrett, Down syndrome, and abortion (really light topics with no controversy!) up at the Religion News Service

S3 E17 | How the Church Can Support School Reform with Nicole Baker Fulgham
Do we, as a society, truly think that every child can succeed in school? Nicole Baker Fulgham, president and founder of The Expectations Project, talks

Hardship Is Not a Competition
I have so many friends who are struggling with dramatic hard stuff right now: cancer diagnoses and chronic illness and addiction. Then there’s me, struggling

AJB Recommends: Writing for Your Life Conference
I am so honored to join people like Philip Yancey, Diana Butler Bass, Parker Palmer, Sophronia Scott, Vivian Mabuni, and others as speakers at the

How Beauty Brings Peace, How Peace Brings Beauty
William took these photos the other day as a part of a year-long project he’s doing at school where he’s planning to learn how to

Announcing Missing Out on Beautiful, Part Two
Download FREE E-Book Our daughter Penny was born on December 30, 2005. She was diagnosed with Down syndrome a few hours later. It’s almost hard

S3 E16 | Normie: What is Normal Through the Lens of Down Syndrome with Annemarie Carrigan and Kurt Neale
What is normal? Normie is a coming-of-age film about a young woman with Down syndrome. Today, Annemarie Carrigan, the lead cast member of Normie, and

International Accessibility Symbol: When What You See Changes How You See
William and I walked to our local library a few days ago. I pointed to the painted symbol on the pavement in front of us

S3 E15 | Who Belongs? Disability and the Built World with Sara Hendren
How does “the built world”—the chairs, rooms, and streets that guide our bodies every day— implicitly ascribe worth to human beings? How does the built

Bloom Where You’re Planted
I used to think that the only way for me to participate in social healing was to move. I live in a predominantly white, affluent,

Dreaming and Planning With Our Teenager With Down Syndrome
We had a planning meeting last February for our teenage daughter, Penny, who has Down syndrome. Penny invited friends, family, and teachers to join her

Human Suffering Is Not the Only Point of Connection
I am so much more interested in human connection than human division. But where does that connection come from? How does it happen? I spoke

S3 E14 | The Astonishing Hope of a Mortal Life with J. Todd Billings
Mortality is often connected to fear, so how does embracing a mortal life provide hope to individuals and communities? Professor Todd Billings, author of “The

Big Feelings and Growing Up with Marilee
What do you do with a child with big feelings? Especially if you are a parent who has never had similarly big feelings? Yes, I