When Your Child Becomes a Teenager
I spent the weekend in bed with a stomach bug. Peter took Marilee and William skiing on Sunday, so it was just our teenager, Penny,

S4 E2 | Where Is God When the Pain Won’t Stop? with Liuan Huska
Liuan Huska, author of Hurting Yet Whole, talks with Amy Julia about chronic pain and illness, experiencing wholeness while living in suffering, and the relationship

AJB Recommends: 5 Novels I’m Reading in 2021
One sign that I am a nerd at heart: I would rather go on a shopping spree in a bookstore than a shoe store. So

How Love Is Like a Vaccine
What if love is like a vaccine against fear? Many of us approach this Inauguration Day with hope. Hope that we will turn a corner

S4 E1 | How Do We Fight Racism? with Jemar Tisby
How do we fight racism? Is there reason to hope when history reveals the continuity of racism’s tactics and its multifaceted exploitation? Historian and author

AJB Recommends: Resources for Processing the Riot at the Capitol
Like so many of us, I’ve been trying to process the events of last Wednesday, January 6th, when supporters of President Trump stormed the Capitol.

Devotional Book | On the Way: Walking With Jesus Through the Season of Lent
Request Sample PDF of Lent devotional book Purchase On the Way devotional I kind of feel like we should be in the season of Lent

It Is Time for a Third Political Party
It is time for a third political party in the United States. I join many Americans when I say I am more moderate in my

Love Is Stronger Than Fear Podcast | Season 4
Love is stronger than fear. I first wrote those words on the heels of Donald Trump’s election back in 2016, and they became a truth I

Kamala Harris Is My Little Girl’s Hero
Marilee announced last month that she needed to read a biography (or autobiography) of someone and then dress up as that person and pretend to

Our Kids and Racial Identity Formation
Wednesday was a day of racial identity formation for our daughter Marilee, age 9. She saw the contrast between how police had prepared for the

Praying for the End of White Supremacy
Yesterday, January 6, at noon, I interviewed Jemar Tisby about his new book, How to Fight Racism. At the same time that we talked about

Happy 15th Birthday, Penny!
We celebrated Penny’s 15th birthday last week. She requested a game-themed party, and she has recently become a pro at backgammon. Marilee and William felt

12 Tips on How to Start Reading the Bible
In this new year, if you’re considering the small, gradual steps to begin the habit of reading your Bible, I have a short e-book for

What Did You Experience in 2020?
When did you experience wonder and joy in 2020? What do you need to let go of from this past year? What word or verse

AJB Recommends: Top 3 Episodes of Season 3
Here are the top three episodes from Season 3 of my Love Is Stronger Than Fear podcast based on audience downloads! Now is a great

Christmas Recap
A recap of our family Christmas…treasuring memories! CHRISTMAS EVE We always spend Christmas at my mom and dad’s house, and I realized this year that

When Christmas (and Life) Is Unexpectedly Disappointing
It’s going to rain. A lot. We have a foot of snow on the ground, and the past week has held snowshoeing and skiing and

Christmas: Prepare for a Party
As we prepare for Christmas, we prepare for a party, to celebrate. For many years, I’ve thought about Christmas as a time to “prepare room”

AJB Recommends: Holiday Favorites
Last night, William and Marilee and I cuddled in my bed together to watch The Best Christmas Pageant Ever, one of my holiday favorites. It’s

What Repentance Has to Do With Christmas
It was only this year that I learned that the four weeks of Advent (the season in the church calendar that leads up to Christmas)