The False Self and the True Self
Talking about the “false self” and “true self” is relatively new to me. But I’m grateful for this language because it helps me make sense of myself and the work…
Talking about the “false self” and “true self” is relatively new to me. But I’m grateful for this language because it helps me make sense of myself and the work…
I used to be afraid of God’s expansive love. When Peter’s mom was sick with cancer, we moved down to New Orleans temporarily to be with her as she recovered…
Is diversity or discipleship the answer to segregation within the American church? David Swanson, pastor and author of Rediscipling the White Church, talks with Amy Julia about the segregated American…
On Easter morning, I woke up with my thoughts and emotions churning. I was worried that my Easter baskets wouldn’t thrill the kids. I was spinning from a conversation with…
This week I’m offering some thoughts on waiting from Psalm 130. We are all waiting for something—whether it is with hopeful expectation, dread, or contentment. My question to myself lately…
“I have been crucified with Christ, and I no longer live” (Galatians 2:20). I think I’m supposed to be encouraged by these words of Paul. But if I’m honest, I’ve…
“Love demands creativity” --Makoto Fujimura, Art+Faith: A Theology of Making, p. 63 // Love always generates. Always pours forth. Always emanates in abundance. This love originates not in us, but in…
So I’m learning about feeling my feelings these days (as you might have noticed from some other posts). And I’m trying to teach our kids how to feel their feelings…
What is the role of art in bringing hope and healing to the fractures of our world? Makoto Fujimura, a leading contemporary artist and the author of Art+Faith, talks with…
We are nearing the end of the season of Lent, this time of intentional fasting within the Christian tradition. I’ve been fasting from chocolate-covered almonds, which seems almost farcical when…