Announcing Love is Stronger Than Fear Podcast
The short version of the super exciting announcement is that I started a podcast called Love is Stronger Than Fear. The first season of Love

Sabbatical Announcement and Learning to Rest
Our family is walking away from the daily routines of life and learning to rest. What’s behind our sabbatical announcement and learning to rest? Here

Prepare for Christmas with My Advent Ebook
The calendar might say November, but many of us will soon be preparing for Christmas throughout the season of Advent. I love reflecting on the

Gratitude and Grief
At its best, gratitude is a way to live in the midst of a world of pain and grief, not a way to cut ourselves

Gratitude and Grumpiness
As easy as it is to rattle off a gratitude list, it’s just as easy to rattle off a list of things that cause grumpiness.

Embracing Our Common Humanity
I’ve recently adopted “embracing our common humanity” as my shorthand for what I am attempting to do with my writing and speaking. If you look

Classroom Conversations: To Kill a Mockingbird and the Discussion of Privilege
When I was asked to have classroom conversations with a group of 8th grade students about To Kill a Mockingbird in conjunction with White Picket

My New Website Launch!
I could not be more excited to tell you about the launch of my brand new website. I hope you will spend a minute (or

Essential Church Podcast and Privilege
I had a great time talking with Andrew Arndt on the Essential Church podcast about White Picket Fences. He asked great questions that gave me

Gratitude Podcast with Family Life Radio
Martha Manikas-Foster of Family Life radio approached me a few weeks ago about an old blog post of mine about Thanksgiving. Back in 2014, I

Real Privilege and Love: Quote from White Picket Fences
The real privilege of my life has come in learning what it means to love others, that love involves suffering and sacrifice and sleepless nights

Rev. Dan Heischman Reflects on Privilege in Episcopal Schools
A friend mentioned years ago that memoirs go through three stages. First, we live them. Then we write them. And then, once they are out

Geraldine Brooks’ Endorsement of White Picket Fences
“I am grateful that Amy Julia Becker had the courage to create White Picket Fences. It’s such an essential discussion, so relevant and yet somehow

Celebrating 1 Year Anniversary of White Picket Fences!
Today I am celebrating the one year anniversary of the publication of White Picket Fences. It’s hard to believe it only came out a year

Dear Doctor Video from
As Down Syndrome Awareness Month 2019 comes to a close, I wanted to share this touching video from that highlights the experience of parents

5 Things I Wish I Had Known when Our Daughter Was Diagnosed with Down Syndrome
On December 30th, 2005, our firstborn daughter came into the world. It was an easy delivery—a little early, but not premature, no signs of distress

Sara Groves Endorses A Good and Perfect Gift
As I read this book, I realized what a gift it is to walk through this story with such an incredibly candid guide! Amy

Three Reasons Why I Don’t Use the Term Ableism
I’m a fan of the concepts behind political correctness. I think it’s important to use language with intention and care. I think language reflects reality,