When You Want to Say “&%$!” to God (Or: Advent Reflections on Hope)
I was reading from the early chapters of Luke as a part of getting ready for Christmas, and I came to the moment when the
14 Books to Give This Holiday Season
Are you looking for books to give to friends and family? Here’s a list of old and new titles worth considering (and of course I
What I Learned When I Tried to Stop Drinking So Much Wine (or, Advent Reflections on Peace and Overcoming Anxiety)
In The Power of Habit, Charles Duhigg describes the way habits change. You don’t really break a habit, according to Duhigg. You just replace it
Advent Reflections: How Love Transforms Us
How Love Transforms Us Love. Peace. Hope. Joy. We will see these words a lot in the next four weeks—in scrawling fonts, in red green,
Thought on the Election of Donald Trump: Trust Your Love Instead of Your Fear
“Trust your love instead of your fear.” I first said those words in a conversation with a woman who had received a prenatal diagnosis of
If There Was a “Cure” For Down Syndrome – Podcast Wisconsin Public Radio
In August 2016 I wrote an article for Vox titled My daughter has Down Syndrome. Would I “cure” her if I could? I was then