Fasting From Food (Hungering for God)
For the past six months or so, I’ve fasted from food on Mondays until about 5 p.m. I’m sure some of you are much more

Lenten Reflection | Psalm 51
Have you ever experienced the feeling of being really really dirty and then taking a shower and being really really clean? I’ve been thinking about

Every Kid Deserves a Community of Support
Earlier this month, I shared about the PATH process we participated in with Penny, in which we dreamed about her future. It’s been amazing to

Receiving Life as a Gift
It sounds like such a simple statement: “Life is a gift.” But most of us live as though life is something we’ve worked hard for,

S4 E6 | The Reunited States: Love Big Enough to Heal with Erin Leaverton
Erin and David Leaverton sold their house, loaded their three, young children into an RV, and traveled the country for a year. Their family’s journey

Fasting 101
In certain subsets of American culture right now, intermittent fasting—only consuming calories for 8 hours each day—is all the rage. I have friends who don’t

Lenten Reflection | Psalm 42
When my soul is “downcast” I am not always inclined to turn towards God. If I’m honest, I’m inclined to turn towards Netflix or planning

AJB Recommends: Resources for Lent
I’m usually scrambling to get my act together when it comes to Lent. I truly appreciate this season every year when I am invited to

What’s Up With Fasting?
The Christian season of Lent begins today. If you aren’t a Christian, or if you aren’t from a church tradition that observes Lent, you might

S4 E5 | Healing the Harm of White Evangelicalism with Kristin Du Mez
Can acknowledging the wounds of white evangelicalism actually bring healing? Kristin Du Mez, author of Jesus and John Wayne, talks with Amy Julia about the

Action and Discussion Guides for White Pickets Fences
PURCHASE ACTION & DISCUSSION GUIDES I wrote a memoir, White Picket Fences: Turning toward Love in a World Divided by Privilege, in what seemed like a time

How Community Promotes Flourishing
Where do you want to be in five years? Who do you want to be in five years? What do you want to be true

AJB Recommends: Podcasts for Understanding the Black Experience
One of my greatest challenges is getting out of my own homogeneous demographic bubble and really finding opportunities to listen to voices from perspectives different

Hospitals and Hospitality: Places of Healing
I was reminded recently (by Victoria Sweet, author of God’s Hotel) that hospital and hospitality share the same root word. I tend to think of

S4 E4 | Spiritual Practices That Heal with Rich Villodas
How do spiritual practices equip us to participate in God’s healing work in the world? Rich Villodas, pastor and author of The Deeply Formed Life,

Happy Birthday, Marilee!
Happy birthday, Marilee! Marilee turned ten last week, and even in the midst of a Covid winter, we were so delighted to celebrate her birthday!

AJB Recommends: Resources for Black History Month
Do we need resources to learn about Black history? When I was in high school, I didn’t understand that most of the history I learned

The Biblical Story of Overcoming Social Divisions
Why should Christians care about racism and justice issues and social divisions? Because overcoming social divisions is at the heart of the biblical story, at the

S4 E3 | How Brokenness Brings Healing with Katherine Wolf
Can God truly heal, redeem, and transform brokenness? Katherine Wolf, coauthor of Suffer Strong and co-founder of Hope Heals, talks with Amy Julia about the

Why It Isn’t Sexist to Call God ‘Father’
I’m working on a new book these days, and this week’s work has me digging into the way Jesus changes these terms, the way he

7 Non-Fiction Books I’m Reading in 2021
I tend to read a novel before I fall asleep every night, but I end up having multiple non-fiction books going at the same time—one