Penny’s Take on Hope Heals
Okay, this is my final (for now) post about Hope Heals Camp last week. I started out planning to tell you all about it in

Hope Heals Camp: When We’re Seen
Seen. That was the word written underneath my plate at the Hope Heals banquet. Other people had words like beloved, cherished, known. All three of

Hope Heals Camp: Believing Something Good
I went into last week with a hard, seemingly hopeless situation, even as I was invited to teach the kids about hope each day at

Hope Heals Camp: Belovedness and Belonging
Hope Heals Camp exists as a place where families affected by disability can receive rest, resources, and relationships. As Jay and Katherine Wolf, co-founders, say,

To Be Made Well at Hope Heals Camp
Last week at Hope Heals Camp was incredible, and it was so beautiful to see To Be Made Well there inside all the welcome bags

Screen Guidelines for the Summer
Last summer I wanted to show our kids that we weren’t against screens. Rather, we were for activity and nature and friendship and learning. So

Three Ways to Bring Prayer to the Body
If you’ve grown up in a Protestant church tradition, as I have, you may have learned that prayer is a spiritual and intellectual experience, not

Acknowledging the Harm Inherent Within the Abortion Debates
When the Supreme Court decided to push regulations around abortion back to the states, it set off a cascade of opinions and responses. Many pro-life

Asking the Right Questions
What if having a lasting faith isn’t about having the right answers but about learning to ask the right questions? I heard someone suggest this

We’re at Hope Heals Camp
Last year, we took a big trip out west to Utah and Wyoming. In the past, we’ve taken our kids to Martha’s Vineyard and met

Welcome! I’m so Glad You’re Here!
About once a month, I take a moment to introduce myself. Social media platforms are funny places to try to make meaningful connections, but, hopefully,

When the Love Goes Deeper Than the Wounds | Ann Voskamp’s Blog
I’m so honored to have a post on Ann Voskamp’s blog today. My post begins: Sometimes my life as a Christian feels like a series

Telling a New Story About Disability
There’s a mindset around disability that says things like: People with disabilities are always suffering. People with disabilities are a burden. A life with a

New Haven Racial History Tour
We’ve traveled down south with our kids to learn the history of racial injustice there. But how do we narrate the reality of northern complicity

A Life-Changing Daily Prayer Practice: Prayer of Examen
I’ve prayed in lots of different ways over the years. I’ve used the acronym ACTS (Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, Supplication). The Lord’s Prayer has been a

We Are Beloved. What If We Believed This?
“Jesus says that we are beloved before we do anything right, and after we’ve done everything wrong.” – To Be Made Well This quote might

5 Things I Learned on Family Vacation
As I return to this space after a few weeks of vacation, I thought I’d start by sharing 5 things I learned: 1. Everyone eats

On Vacation
I’ll be away for the next week or so. Away in real life, at our family’s beach house on the Connecticut shore, with my stack

More Reviews for To Be Made Well
I’m so grateful for the reviews I’ve received recently for To Be Made Well, both from readers and from the Englewood Review of Books and

S5 E22 | Disability and the Speed of Love with Dr. John Swinton
How do we create communities where friendship is a possibility among people of differing abilities? Dr. John Swinton, theologian and author, talks with Amy

The Joy of Kids Being Kids
After two years of events that couldn’t happen and interrupted plans and convoluted performances and postponed dreams, it is all the more joyful to see