Intro to AJ

William and Amy Julia smile for a selfie with their heads together and a glowing sunset over water and hills behind them.

July Introductions

Hi! For those of you who are new around here, I’m Amy Julia. This community grows almost daily, so here’s a short introduction. My husband,

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photo of Amy Julia smiling and wearing a pink cowboy hat and peach raincoat

June Introductions

Hi! If you’re new around here, I’m Amy Julia (double name–I also go by AJ). This lovely little corner of the internet continues to grow,

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mosaic background behind a photo of Amy Julia sitting in her office and smiling for a selfie

February Introductions

One fun thing I’ve started doing about once a month is introducing myself here. This community is growing, and I love getting to know you

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pajama pants tucked into socks and feet in slippers

November Introductions

I asked my family how I should introduce myself to the new people around here, and here’s what they suggested (through the family group text):

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Amy Julia takes a selfie outside with a green lawn behind her. She is wearing a bright pink shirt.

October Fun Facts

Every so often, I introduce myself around here for people who are new to this space. I also try to share some things about myself

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Podcast Season 3 | White Picket Fences

Race, class, identity, privilege. These are topics and concepts that divide us, but what if we could start talking about them? Through conversation and stories that follow the themes of my book, White Picket Fences: Turning toward Love in a World Divided by Privilege, we are going to explore these hard topics in order to move together towards healing.

White picket fences resources

White Picket Fences Resources

Resources, including discussion guides and an action guide, that will help you ask questions, enter into conversations, and respond to the content of White Picket Fences