photo of Amy Julia wearing a green sweater outside and smiling for a selfie

September Introductions

It’s time for another round of introductions as this little community continues to grow. I’d love to hear from you about who you are and why you are here. Here’s a little intro to me:

  1. I’m Amy Julia. It’s a double name, which is a bit unwieldy and hard to explain and yet I’ve never been willing to shorten it to Amy. Some people call me AJ, which I like just fine. 

  2. I am a total sucker for lifehacks. I love things that make tasks simpler or easier. (Like my Intuition razor, for example. Love.) One recent lifehack that has made a big difference is to plan everything about the upcoming week on Friday and then set aside Monday as a day to get really important things done. No meetings on Monday. No planning on Monday. Just reading and writing and thinking.
    photo of an open journal and a pen on a wooden table

  3. Parenting teenagers is my favorite stage so far. I struggled (a lot) in the early years. Yes, they were super cute. But I was a mess. Now I still get to be their mom, but I also get to curl up on the bed with them and watch a show I like (Down for Love with Penny, Only Murders in the Building with William) or listen with them to books that I enjoy (A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder and Fever 1793, both with Marilee). 

  4. We moved two times this summer, and we have one more move to go. (My husband got a new job, which comes with a lovely house, but the house is not ready for us yet.) It’s unsettling. But it has also pushed me towards rhythms of life that aren’t dependent upon having a predictable and known physical space. 

  5. On that last point, I just listened to a podcast conversation with Ann Voskamp. She offers six different practices for grounding herself in the truth and love of God. I have not yet tried all six! But I am really grateful for three questions she shared from the pages of the Bible as a way to pay attention to my life: Who do you say God is today? Where is your soul and where is it heading? And, as Jesus asked, What do you want? 

So, how about you:

What are your favorite lifehacks?

What are the things that bring you back to a place of peace?

What questions are you asking that help you pay attention to the things that matter most?

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