Meritocracy Is the Antithesis to Love | Plough Essay
Meritocracy is the antithesis to love. I first wrote those words almost two years ago, when we were traveling cross-country and we were taking regular hikes as a family. On…
Meritocracy is the antithesis to love. I first wrote those words almost two years ago, when we were traveling cross-country and we were taking regular hikes as a family. On…
A prominent pastor and theologian spoke at length earlier this week about why God might make some people unattractive. He lumped together “ugliness” with disfigurement and disability and then went…
I used to think that “awareness” was too small a word for what we need in order to change the perceptions and reality for people with Down syndrome like our…
“The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.” That’s what my sister wrote to me after I showed her an email from Penny. Penny, unprompted, had sent me a Google…
My name is Penny and I have an extra chromosome because I have Down syndrome. In my daily life I wake up independently, make breakfast, and go to school. My…
I remember this time, back when Penny was really little, when we were at a birthday party together and another mom was there with her child who also had a…
In honor of Down syndrome awareness month, I wanted to name a few things that I appreciate about our daughter Penny. One, that Penny moves through the world with less…
I dream of a world where everyone belongs. Last weekend, Penny was a bridesmaid in her old-babysitter-best-friend-for-life’s wedding, and I got a little glimpse of the joy of belonging. (Go…
What’s wrong with having Down syndrome? It was a question I asked many years ago, when our daughter Penny was first diagnosed with an extra copy of the 21st chromosome.…
"Why would it be a bad thing for five times more people with Down syndrome to be in the world?" asked my 13-year-old son William, whose older sister Penny has…