A Better Way to Read the Bible
I missed out on something crucial when I learned how to read the Bible. I learned to ask three simple questions: What does it say?

Dreaming for the Future
When Penny was younger, I resisted setting goals for her. The early years of her life were full of measurements and yardsticks and a sense

S5 E10 | How Kids Can Fight Racism with Dr. Jemar Tisby
Can our children really make a difference in the fight against racism? Dr. Jemar Tisby, author of How to Fight Racism Young Reader’s Edition, talks

We Are Made Well by God
What if you have inestimable worth, and you’ve never noticed it before? A few weeks back, I read about a drawing that was purchased for

The Gift of the Magi
This Christmas, I felt like Peter and I were living out our own version of the O. Henry short story, The Gift of the Magi.

Slow Productivity and Elevating Love
In 2022, I’m trying to practice slowing down, so I was intrigued by Cal Newport’s idea of “slow productivity” in a recent essay in the

In My Hands: Advanced Reader’s Copy of To Be Made Well
I didn’t expect to open a package and find a copy of To Be Made Well, but it was so exciting to hold it in

Penny in Her Own Words: The PATH Process and Planning for the Future
I asked Penny if she would be willing to answer a few questions about her experience with the PATH process. These are her unedited responses:

Penny’s PATH Process: Planning for Life After High School
Once a year, a group of people from Penny’s school, family, and community gather together with her to talk about her hopes and dreams for

Looking Back Before Looking Ahead
I know the idea of welcoming a new year is to look ahead. Make resolutions. Set goals. Establish new routines. But before I do any

Happy Sweet Sixteen, Penny!
Penny started planning for her Sweet Sixteen three years ago. It was the topic of many a family walk—who would be invited, what the menu

Favorite Books for Kids and Adults That We Read in 2021
Quick links to favorite books for kids and adults that we read in 2021: The Hiding Place Chains, Forge, and Ashes Roll of Thunder, Hear

9 Non-Fiction Books I Loved in 2021
Quick Links to 9 of my favorite non-fiction books in 2021: Dear White Peacemakers The Deeply Formed Life Art + Faith The Whole Language Wondrously

S5 E9 | Returning to Dear White Peacemakers with Osheta Moore
As we near the end of 2021, I’m returning to one of the most listened to (and possibly most appreciated) episodes from this past year—my

What’s the Purpose of Life?
Have you ever heard that the purpose of being alive is to glorify God? That we exist for the sake of offering praise to God?

Were Mary and Joseph Social Outcasts?
I’ve often wondered: Were Mary and Joseph social outcasts? Were they rejected by Joseph’s relatives because she was pregnant? Joseph’s family lived in Bethlehem, and

Getting the Booster Is a Way to Love My Neighbor
This is me outside the pharmacy where I got my booster shot. I don’t want to get Covid, but honestly, the reason I got the

What Is God Saying to You this Christmas?
At Christmas, we are invited to use our spiritual imaginations. (I talk about this on IG Live, which you can watch here.) What is God

What if Mary Wasn’t Exceptional?
What if Mary wasn’t exceptional? What if she wasn’t particularly pious or good or faithful? What if she was just a typical Jewish teenager? There

Launch Team Coming in January
In January, we are putting together a launch team for To Be Made Well, and we would love for you to be a part of

Joy of Missing Out
Marilee recently taught me the idea of “jomo.” It’s the opposite of FOMO. FOMO is the fear of missing out. JOMO is the joy of