AJB on Privilege

Podcast Season 3 | White Picket Fences
Race, class, identity, privilege. These are topics and concepts that divide us, but what if we could start talking about them? Through conversation and stories that follow the themes of my book, White Picket Fences: Turning toward Love in a World Divided by Privilege, we are going to explore these hard topics in order to move together towards healing.

Three Harms of Privilege
The harm of privilege is exclusion, injustice, and isolation. When I say the word privilege, I’m talking about a set of unearned social advantages given

S3 Bonus | What Is Privilege?
What is privilege? What is it not? How does privilege cause harm? In this bonus episode, Amy Julia describes her working definition of privilege, the

S3 E1 | Waking Up to Privilege with David Bailey
Race, class, and the kingdom of God all come up in this conversation between Amy Julia and David Bailey, Director of Arrabon, a ministry to

Recommended Books, Podcasts, and Films about Race and Privilege
Post contains affiliate links. As I’ve written before, one part of a meaningful, transformational, humble, and holistic response to the history and current reality of

Classroom Conversations: To Kill a Mockingbird and the Discussion of Privilege
When I was asked to have classroom conversations with a group of 8th grade students about To Kill a Mockingbird in conjunction with White Picket

Q Ideas 2019: The Harm of Privilege
My Talk at Q Ideas 2019: The Harm of Privilege It was a tremendous honor to speak about privilege in front of the audience at

Defining Privilege Part Two: What Privilege Is
In my previous post, I discussed what privilege is not. In this post I will define what privilege is. What exactly do we mean when

Defining Privilege Part One: What Privilege Is Not
As important as it is to understand what privilege is, it is also important to clarify what privilege is not. Privilege is not an accusation

How Disability Helped Me Understand Privilege | Washington Post
I would never have written my most recent book, White Picket Fences: Turning Towards Love in a World Divided by Privilege, had I not given

The Problem with “Noblesse Oblige”
After George H.W. Bush died, we heard a lot about how he modeled the idea of “noblesse oblige.” It’s a French term that translates as

White Picket Fences Resources
Resources, including discussion guides and an action guide, that will help you ask questions, enter into conversations, and respond to the content of White Picket Fences