My Recurrent Problem With Time
I have a recurrent problem with time. I often think that if I just had more time, then I would be happy. Or if I just got more done with…
I have a recurrent problem with time. I often think that if I just had more time, then I would be happy. Or if I just got more done with…
Anxiety often wakes me up in the morning (not to mention in the middle of the night). My concern over the to-do list and my unspoken fear about what will…
When I was still pregnant with Penny, I had a sense that God had given me a passage from the Bible for her. It came from Psalm 1: “Blessed is…
My husband Peter is one of the few people I know who celebrates the winter solstice. He even found the moment of “minimum declination”—the exact time when we transition from…
In her book Suffer Strong, Katherine Wolf writes, “It seems that God does give us more than we can handle—sometimes much more. And yet He does this so He can…
Our need for healing is both universal and particular. We all need healing. And yet we carry particular wounds. Shame, guilt, fear. Pain, disease, hurt. Hurt we have caused and…
As we pay attention to pain and ask for help, we are already taking the third step toward healing. The third step is to, in Father Gregory Boyle’s words, “surrender…
After we pay attention to pain, the second step to healing is to ask for help. There are two ways we can ask for help. I think of them as…
In my recent essay for Plough Magazine, I wrote, “Penny was diagnosed with a ‘disability’ when she was born, and I still use that word to describe her condition because…
As we turned the corner into 2022, I felt a deep longing for order. I wanted the piles of books in my bedroom turned into tidy and categorized areas on…