God Can Be Born Anywhere
“The manger in Bethlehem proves one thing: God can be born anywhere.” –Father Gregory Boyle, author of The Whole Language: The Power of Extravagant Tenderness

Jesus’ Name Is Healer
Did you know that we could translate Jesus’ name with the word healer? To explain what I mean, I need to take you down a

How to Slow Down at Christmastime
I’ve spent a lot of time lately thinking about how I’m not ready for Christmas, and I wonder how to slow down at Christmastime. I

S5 E8 | What Disability Teaches Us About Health and Wholeness with Dr. Brian Brock
What does it mean to be healthy? Can people with disabilities be healthier than typical people? What does it mean to be healed by God?

Give a Book for Christmas
We are in countdown-to-Christmas mode, which makes me feel very insecure because every time William reminds me how many days are left until presents are

Life: Sometimes Tidy, Sometimes in Disarray
Just a little peek behind the curtain of this little life of ours. Some of it is tidy. Some of it is beautiful. Some of

Friday Favorites: Christmas Music (and More)
If you are looking for some Christmas music to usher in this holiday season, here are a few possibilities that aren’t quite as well known

When Pain Remains
A few weeks ago, I had a mild panic attack. My neck and shoulder had been hurting all day. But all of a sudden, the

Loves Looks to Move Towards One Another
My friend’s son was whistling in class. The other kids were annoyed. Another friend’s daughter drools a lot and other kids think it’s “gross.” Some

What Is Not Mine to Carry?
My shoulder started to hurt the day our kids went back to school after Thanksgiving break. I hadn’t done anything to injure it. Not even

An Introduction: Things I Love (or Not!)
There are lots of new people in this space lately, so I wanted to pause for a minute and introduce myself and share a few

Friday Favorites: Novels, a Memoir, and Podcasts
For my Friday Favorites this week, I’m sharing two novels, one memoir, and several podcast episodes. Quick Links: All That is Secret The Whole Language

Meritocracy Is the Antithesis to Love | Plough Essay
Meritocracy is the antithesis to love. I first wrote those words almost two years ago, when we were traveling cross-country and we were taking regular

S5 E7 | How the Indigenous New Testament Helps Us All with Terry Wildman
“In some ways we judge the story by the storyteller.” Colonialism corrupted the beautiful message of the Gospel when it forced Christianity on Indigenous people.

Still Time to Join Me This Advent Season!
If you are still looking for a way to prepare spiritually for Christmas this year, you can still order Prepare Him Room (order here) and get

5 Sure Signs of Middle Age
5 sure signs of middle age: —Our teenagers tuck me into bed every night. —Comfort matters so much more than fashion. —Our kids provide regular

Returning to My Series on Gratitude
In 2019 I wrote a series of posts on gratitude. This year I’m returning again to the truths I wrote in that series two years

Kyle Rittenhouse Verdict
For any white people who don’t understand why Black people are upset about the Rittenhouse verdict, this lack of understanding points to what many Black

Friday Favorites: What I’m Reading
Three favorites that I’m reading this week: One inspirational interview, one novel, and one parenting book. Quick Links: Why I Quit the Klan The Corrections

There Are Joys in Editing a Manuscript
And I am still editing, round three. Writing a book is like thinking you’re running a marathon and finding out that you accidentally signed up

Talking About Pain: Helpful or Harmful?
Last week, I read a series of seven articles in the NYT that considered chronic pain from a variety of different angles. As someone who