Healing Is Exhausting
Healing is exhausting. At least that is what I've been thinking as I'm recovering from oral surgery. I’ve needed my ice packs and my smoothies and my soup. And I’ve…
Healing is exhausting. At least that is what I've been thinking as I'm recovering from oral surgery. I’ve needed my ice packs and my smoothies and my soup. And I’ve…
Is anyone else out there in a season of waiting? Waiting for healing? Waiting for change? Waiting for your child to get news about college? I’m in a season of…
What if healing is a process of spiraling upward? I know it’s not really a thing we see in nature. We see spiraling downward. The maple key that twirls through…
As a part of Down Syndrome Awareness Month, Penny had a chance to share some thoughts in front of our congregation on Sunday. She talked about what she appreciates about…
I am wondering whether we need a new name for Bible Study. Maybe this isn’t the problem I think it is. But I wonder whether the words “Bible study” imply…
Every so often, I introduce myself around here for people who are new to this space. I also try to share some things about myself that might surprise those of…
God’s love is the answer to depression. I know that’s the type of declarative statement I’m not supposed to make. I know that religion has often been the opposite of…
We started a conversation over here a few weeks ago about whether or not there are chapter books with main characters who have intellectual disabilities, and I had a chance…
{GIVEAWAY CLOSED} Down Syndrome Awareness Month BOOK GIVEAWAY! Enter to win all 9 books, including all 4 of Heather Avis' books, my memoir, and favorite books from: Jillian Benfield, Misty…
“You belong here, as you are, who you are. Come be in this place with us.” Down syndrome advocate and author Heather Avis joins Amy Julia Becker to talk about…