Like Trees, We Need Stress in Our Lives
I just learned that trees die without stress. A friend told me about the experiment of biosphere 2, where scientists tried to understand how our ecosystems work. One thing they…
I just learned that trees die without stress. A friend told me about the experiment of biosphere 2, where scientists tried to understand how our ecosystems work. One thing they…
What is privilege? How can we leverage it to proclaim God’s love to the world and create communities that flourish? Dominique DuBois Gilliard, the author of Subversive Witness, talks with…
“We are intimately loved long before our parents, teachers, spouses, children and friends loved or wounded us.” —Henri Nouwen, Life of the Beloved I’m rereading Nouwen’s Life of the Beloved…
Much of the default parent life should be filed under the category “miscellaneous.” That’s what my friend Patricia says. Things like... Filling out the forms for soccer (I talked a…
I didn’t mean to read and listen and think about a series of controversial topics this week, but I’m passing along some of my favorite writers and podcasters who have…
What’s wrong with having Down syndrome? It was a question I asked many years ago, when our daughter Penny was first diagnosed with an extra copy of the 21st chromosome.…
Today I will set a timer on my phone for 30 minutes. I will turn the phone over so I can’t see notifications of text messages or news stories or…
I often misinterpret the words in the Bible as behavior management, when they are really invitations to surrender to love. Jesus says: “Do not judge, and you will not be…
[If you are looking for my Love Is Stronger Than Fear podcast, please go here.] Evil is always (and only) a distortion of the good. This world was created good,…
Honestly, my favorite thing about this week is that our kids all went back to school. I love their schools. They like their schools. I love getting back into a…