Why I Need to Follow Black Jesus
For years, the idea of “Black Jesus” confused me. I understood why we needed to subvert the all-too-familiar image of Jesus as blonde-haired and blue-eyed. Jesus was Jewish and grew…
For years, the idea of “Black Jesus” confused me. I understood why we needed to subvert the all-too-familiar image of Jesus as blonde-haired and blue-eyed. Jesus was Jewish and grew…
I used to think that “awareness” was too small a word for what we need in order to change the perceptions and reality for people with Down syndrome like our…
Slow, local, messy. Small, hidden, unnoticed. Patient, gentle, kind. These are the words I tend to use to describe the work of God’s Spirit in our lives and in the…
“I really need my own laptop for school.” I’m not going to name which child uttered these words, because they each feel the same way. They feel that they need…
Ending the day without anxiety. Receiving spiritual truth and practical wisdom from another mother of a child with a disability. And entering into a story about the extravagant tenderness of…
“The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.” That’s what my sister wrote to me after I showed her an email from Penny. Penny, unprompted, had sent me a Google…
I love the spiritual side of Christmas. I’d love to offer you a way to remember and reflect on the spiritual side of Christmas this year too. (I know it’s…
We’ve heard the rhetoric that demonizes Critical Race Theory. But should citizens of the Kingdom of God have a different response? David Bailey, executive director of Arrabon, talks with Amy…
How we can be both broken creatures and creatures who are “fearfully and wonderfully made” all at the same time? I’ve been thinking a lot about that in writing To…
We’ve overbooked everyone. For the grownups: traveling for work, meetings for church, parent-teacher conferences, volunteer commitments, and the day-to-day of professional obligations. For our kids: two soccer teams, one cross-country,…