AJB Recommends: Becoming Friends of Time by John Swinton
Earthquakes and hurricanes have brought many of us back to the age-old questions about how a loving and powerful God could stand by and not
Thoughts from October 16-20, 2017
Once a week I compile the reflections I’ve offered on Facebook into one blogpost. Here are the thoughts from the past five days: Tuesday, October
AJB Recommends: The New Jim Crow by Michelle Alexander
As a white person who grew up in neighborhoods with very little crime, the police and the court system seemed utterly trustworthy. Sure, mistakes were

Thoughts from September 11-15, 2017
As many of you know, I stopped blogging two years ago, mostly because blogging consumed the time that I had for writing, and I chose
Thoughts from September 4-8, 2017
As many of you know, I stopped blogging two years ago, mostly because blogging consumed the time that I had for writing, and I chose
AJB Recommends: GodSpace by Keri Wyatt Kent
Does anyone else operate on a school-year schedule, and thus feel like September is the beginning of a new year? I have spent the past
Thoughts from August 24-September 1, 2017
For eight years, I blogged regularly. It started as a once a week post about our family. In time I moved to Beliefnet, then Patheos,

What Going to Middle School Taught Me about Love
Today is day five of middle school for Penny. She has weathered it better than I have–great attitude, tremendous excitement about the prospect of hot
AJB Recommends: Unseen by Sara Hagerty
One of the perks of being an author is that people send me books for free. I have a stack on my desk right now

Why We Must Insist Upon Knowledge Tethered to Love
I was invited to share some thoughts on disability and theology with the student body of St. Paul’s School, a boarding school in Concord, New

What if Usefulness is Not the Measure of our Humanity?
I was invited to share some thoughts on disability and theology with the student body of St. Paul’s School, a boarding school in Concord, New

When Facts Fail – Reflections on Love and Knowledge
I was invited to share some thoughts on disability and theology with the student body of St. Paul’s School, a boarding school in Concord, New

The Gift of Reading
Reading has been a gift to our family. It’s a gift when the kids read on their own! But also when we get to snuggle

On World Down Syndrome Day, Some Thoughts on Beauty, Vulnerability, and Love
Dear friends, Last week I told our kids that today is World Down Syndrome Day, a day across the globe to celebrate the lives of

Give Your Kids the Gift of Absence
I have a new post over at Christianity Today. Click here to read my latest piece, “Give Your Kids the Gift of Absence.” “When we

When God Doesn’t Clean Up the Mess in Your Life
There are two ways for light to shine. There is overpowering light. Like the light of highbeams on a road at night. The light

What if You Don’t Need to Be Successful? (Or, Advent Reflections on Joy)
I was grumpy for a few years. Maybe not every day. But most days. And at the core of my being, deep inside my heart,

When You Want to Say “&%$!” to God (Or: Advent Reflections on Hope)
I was reading from the early chapters of Luke as a part of getting ready for Christmas, and I came to the moment when the