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Vulnerable Humanity

“Curing is a physical process; it’s individual, usually (fairly) rapid, and concentrates on eliminating disease. Healing is a sociocultural process. It focuses on restoring interpersonal,

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gray graphic with the cover of the Lenten Bible study in the middle of the graphic

Small Group Lenten Guide

GET THE FREE LENTEN SMALL GROUP GUIDE If you, like me, are looking for ways to be more intentional with prioritizing contemplation, patience, and deliberate

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2 Intentions for 2023

Did any of you make New Year’s resolutions? Or answer copious questions for reflection from 2022?  I started down that road, but it overwhelmed me.

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Love Entered In

When I don’t understand someone, and when I can’t get them to understand me, I tend to move away. I judge and worry and retreat.

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In Good Time book cover on top of stain glass graphic

In Good Time

One of my biggest spiritual struggles is with time. There are times when I treat time as a god. As if I can appease time

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