The Things Jesus Says About Himself
I’ve been kind of astonished lately at how Jesus talked about himself. Take this statement: Come to me all you who are weary, and I

Family Dinner Questions
I’m always on the lookout for good table questions for family dinners. Recently, we asked: “What’s one area of your life that feels easy right

Overcoming My Skepticism About Night to Shine
I felt pretty skeptical about Night to Shine. If you aren’t familiar with this event, it’s an annual gathering for teenagers (and adults) with disabilities,

What Is a Disabled Life Worth?
What is a disabled life worth? Every so often, people accidentally say the thing out loud. In this case, it was the Democratic Committee Chair

Some Thoughts on Down Syndrome and Cheerleading
One of my shining moments as a mother was forcing Penny to try out for cheerleading last year. I told her she didn’t have to

3 Questions We Asked That Really Helped Our Marriage
Peter and I weathered a storm last year. It wasn’t one particular thing. It was years of being too busy to bring up the little

My Personal Ski Adventure
So I told you the story of Penny skiing and how it showed me yet again what love and community and belonging—even within a family—can

Skiing, Disability, and Love
So here’s a sentence I didn’t think I would ever type: we went skiing as a family. I have not been skiing in over twenty

The Power of Saying Thank You
One way to make your day better today: say thank you. One way to make another person’s day better today: say thank you. It’s one

Is John 5 Ableist?
I’m grateful for questions from readers, and here’s a question asking how to teach John 5 in a way that isn’t ableist: Question: Is John

S6 E12 | How to Cultivate Racial Healing with David M. Bailey
In the wake of Tyre Nichols’ death in Memphis, David M. Bailey, founder of Arrabon, talks with Amy Julia Becker about the long, deep,

When One Child Needs More Attention
I’ve been receiving some great questions from readers lately, and I wanted to share my answers to some of the questions that might apply to

3 Pieces of Advice for Parents of a Child With Down Syndrome
I have some advice for you! Here are three things I would do differently as the parent of a child with Down syndrome: 1. Pay

Heroin(e): We Are All Broken and Beautiful
I’m lying in my bed today because I just had oral surgery. It’s not a big deal, but the anesthesia wipes me out, and it

False Message: Disability is an inspiration.
Disability is NOT an inspiration. FALSE MESSAGE: Disability is an inspiration to make other people feel good. WHERE THIS FALSE MESSAGE SHOWS UP: Books. Magazines.

Reading Black Literature as American Literature
I first read Toni Morrison’s Beloved in high school. It was one of the only books I had ever read by a Black author. I

Active Listening in the Wake of Tyre Nichols
In the wake of the violent death of Tyre Nichols – a young man who died as a result of injuries sustained due to a

Happy 12th Birthday, Marilee!
Marilee recently pulled out the measuring stick we use for our family and said, “Look at me in 2016! I’ve grown so much!” And then

Finding Places Where Everyone Belongs
Where everyone belongs. That’s the dream. That’s the hope. That’s the space and the community and the future we long for. Sometimes we catch glimpses

To Be Made Well and Disability
When we look at the stories of Jesus with people with disabilities in the Bible, it can seem like a really simple equation. Disability=bad. Curing=good.

Develop Your Spirituality by Starting Small
What if we had a way to alleviate depression and anxiety, to protect against substance abuse and self-harm? What if there were answers to the