Thoughts from January 29-February 2, 2018
Once a week I compile the reflections I’ve offered on Facebook into one blogpost. Here are the thoughts from the past five days: Monday, January 29, 2018 We've been reading…
Once a week I compile the reflections I’ve offered on Facebook into one blogpost. Here are the thoughts from the past five days: Monday, January 29, 2018 We've been reading…
When I was in high school and college, I threw up almost every day. It's a long story, but I had a paralyzed stomach that wouldn't process food and I…
Monday, January 8, 2018 I can't remember why we were talking about the Garden of Eden last night at dinner, but in the midst of the conversation Marilee said, "Can…
Once a week I compile the reflections I’ve offered on Facebook into one blogpost. Here are the thoughts from the past five days: Sunday, December 17, 2017 This past week…
How do you know that someone loves you? Whole books have been written on this subject, but I think it's pretty simple: the people who love you show up when…
Last month, I wrote an article for the Washington Post about the label "evangelical" and why I no longer identify as an evangelical. It struck a chord. Numerous people have…
"Give US this day OUR daily bread . . . Forgive US OUR debts, as WE forgive OUR debtors." Sorry for the all-caps, but I've been leading a Bible Study…
For those of you who are Christians, do you use another label to describe what type of Christian you are? I used to. I wrote for the Washington Post today…
Marilee slept late this morning. At 7:30, I rubbed her shoulder as she lay curled up under the covers on her side. When she opened her eyes, though, I could…
Once a week I compile the reflections I've offered on Facebook into one blogpost. Here are the thoughts from the past five days: Tuesday, October 17, 2017 Marilee slept late…