A Reminder to Love
We are living in a time of dissension and conflict about almost everything—from Critical Race Theory to LGBTQ+ rights to wearing masks to who should

Happy Book Birthday, A Good and Perfect Gift
One of the things you’re supposed to do when you write a book is master your elevator pitch. How can you convey the essence of

Introducing Season 5 of Love Is Stronger Than Fear
It’s been a rough year. Protests, political division, a global pandemic. And our bodies ache. Our friendships feel strained. We’ve had too much to drink.

I Know to Expect Penny To Be Human
I look back on these words I wrote about Penny so many years ago in A Good and Perfect Gift, and I think, Yes. That’s

Welcome! (And Some Random Facts About Me!)
It is so fun and encouraging to watch this community grow. I love learning from you all and hearing where you’re coming from. Recently, we’ve

A Few of My Favorite Things: Week 3 | Podcast Episodes About Healing
I guess it makes sense that I have healing on my mind right now. I’m not actively working on To Be Made Well for the

Do You Want More?
What if there is so much more life available to all of us than we even dare to hope or believe? What if we are

Is Disability (or Down Syndrome) Abnormal?
Is disability abnormal? After Penny was born, we were told she had a genetic abnormality because she had an extra copy of her 21st chromosome.

Free PDF: A Guide to Body Prayers
Free PDF: A Guide to Body Prayers Do our bodies use pain and illness to send signals to our hearts and minds? I’ve started to

In the “Woods” of Disability
“It wasn’t as if a doctor would ever say about her extra chromosome, ‘It was touch-and-go for a while there, but now we’re out of

Summer Screen Time Update
I talked a big game about making sure our kids didn’t spend their whole summers in front of their respective screens this summer. A few

Giveaway! Books About Down Syndrome
G I V E A W A Y !!!!!!!!! I’ve teamed up with some awesome authors, and you can win 7 books all about Down

What Our Bodies Are Like in Heaven
What will our bodies look like in heaven? To push the point a little bit, what will the bodies of people with disabilities look like

Getting It Wrong
“We grow much more spiritually by getting it wrong than by getting it right.” —Richard Rohr, Falling Upward I really don’t want this to be

Going in a Circle and Sometimes Making Progress
Does it ever feel like your life is going in a circle? The older I get, the more I sometimes feel as though I’m not

An Accelerated Course in Love
An accelerated course in love—“…every time I recognized the purity of my love for Penny, I was dying to an old part of myself, an

Happy 13th Birthday, William!
Last week, we celebrated William’s 13th birthday, and I loved every minute of it. I loved that our girls strong-armed their dad into a Walmart

A Few of My Favorite Things: Week 2
Some of my favorites…a new recipe, a book, and a podcast! Recipe Favorite new recipe: I made this one up when we were trying to

Is Meritocracy Part of the Problem?
In the recent clashes in churches and schools and everywhere else over critical race theory, people are debating meritocracy: Is America a nation where anyone

Body Prayer in Action
A friend of mine just asked this question: ”Also, since this has been your jam lately, can you pray for me and/or send any thoughts

Clenched Fist or Open Palm
“It was as if I started off with my fist clenched tight around a vision of a child and, as Penny grew, I slowly opened