A Few of My Favorite Things: Week 10 | Three New Books
Ending the day without anxiety. Receiving spiritual truth and practical wisdom from another mother of a child with a disability. And entering into a story

Down Syndrome Awareness Month: The Apple Doesn’t Fall From the Tree
“The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.” That’s what my sister wrote to me after I showed her an email from Penny. Penny, unprompted,

Advent Devotional: Prepare Him Room
I love the spiritual side of Christmas. I’d love to offer you a way to remember and reflect on the spiritual side of Christmas this

S5 E4 | What’s So Controversial About Critical Race Theory? with David Bailey
We’ve heard the rhetoric that demonizes Critical Race Theory. But should citizens of the Kingdom of God have a different response? David Bailey, executive director

How Can We Be Both “Broken” and “Wonderfully Made”?
How we can be both broken creatures and creatures who are “fearfully and wonderfully made” all at the same time? I’ve been thinking a lot

Slowing Down in Our Family’s Fast-Paced World
We’ve overbooked everyone. For the grownups: traveling for work, meetings for church, parent-teacher conferences, volunteer commitments, and the day-to-day of professional obligations. For our kids:

A Few of My Favorite Things: Week 9 | Pleasant Surprises in Podcasts
Last week, Peter asked us all to go around the table and list one “pleasant surprise” from our day. I talked about Ezra Klein’s interview

Penny in Her Own Words: Down Syndrome, School, and Friends
My name is Penny and I have an extra chromosome because I have Down syndrome. In my daily life I wake up independently, make breakfast,

Talking About Disability
I remember this time, back when Penny was really little, when we were at a birthday party together and another mom was there with her

“The Clock Is My Humility”
Every day, I fight against time. I see time as an adversary. I try new tactics to see if I can somehow win, today, and

Healing Is Not an Achievement
Healing is not an achievement. It is not something where if we just work long enough, just eat the right foods or say the right

Lying and God’s Desire for Repentance, Not Perfection
One of our children lied to me the other day. It wasn’t a big lie. It was the type of lie I’ve told before—where I

A Few of My Favorite Things: Week 8 | So Many Good Books
I had totally forgotten that fall is a book publishing bonanza. There are SO many good books coming out right now, I definitely can’t keep

Down Syndrome Awareness Month: A Few Things I Love
In honor of Down syndrome awareness month, I wanted to name a few things that I appreciate about our daughter Penny. One, that Penny moves

Speaking In Person for the First Time Since February 2020
Travel day yesterday…en route to speak in person for the first time since February of 2020! Can’t wait to talk with students at Asbury University

S5 E3 | The Spaciousness of Limits with Ashley Hales
A life without limits is part of the American dream. But what if living within limits is the key to a spacious life? What

What if I Want To Name-Drop the God of Love?
Have you ever felt really proud to know someone? I’m thinking of growing up with someone who becomes a celebrity. I have one such person

Book Birthday: White Picket Fences Turns 3
“White Picket Fences tackles one of the thorniest topics of our time and illuminates it with honesty, humility, and hope.” — Andy Crouch “Warm, honest,

A Glimpse of Belonging at the Beginning of Down Syndrome Awareness Month
I dream of a world where everyone belongs. Last weekend, Penny was a bridesmaid in her old-babysitter-best-friend-for-life’s wedding, and I got a little glimpse of

The Wisdom of God
How do you know how to live so that it will go well for you and your family? How do you know whether to pursue

Collaborative Spaces: One Step Between Exclusion and Belonging
We need to begin envisioning and creating collaborative spaces for the work of justice, reconciliation, and healing. I wrote yesterday about how we cannot skip