Healing’s Upward, Outward, Expansive Spiral
Healing often feels like a circle, where we tiptoe slowly forward and return to the same place. Where we think we’ve made progress, and then

Disability and Respect: Look Her in the Eye
I’m so grateful for the technician at the eye doctor appointment who assumes that Penny can speak for herself. I’m also aware of how surprised

Domestic Monastery
“Raising small children, if it is done with love and generosity, will do for you exactly what private prayer does.” –Ronald Rolheiser, Domestic Monastery I

False Message: Disability is a tragedy to be alleviated.
When it comes to disability, we receive many erroneous and incomplete messages from the media and popular culture. Here’s the second of four false messages

Interdependent Healing
My new year has started off with heavy news from multiple friends. One whose husband moved out. Another who lost her job. Another whose sister

3 Reasons I’m Grateful for the Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King Jr.
Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. wasn’t a perfect man. He didn’t have unflagging faith. His faith began as a more abstract intellectual pursuit and

January Introductions
This community has been growing in recent months, and I’ve started doing a little introduction on a monthly basis. Which is fun for me for

False Message: Disability is a problem to be fixed.
Every day, we encounter images and phrases and assumptions and false messages about disability that shape our way of perceiving people with disabilities. Many of

Hope Heals | And You Will Be Blessed
I had a chance to write an essay (And You Will Be Blessed) for the Hope Heals blog. (And if you don’t already know about

Books About Disability and Theology
DOWNLOAD FREE RESOURCE The “theology of disability” is a topic that might sound obscure or abstract, but it has been life-changing for me. The theology

S6 E10 | How to Receive the Time We’re Given with Jen Pollock Michel
Does anxiety characterize your relationship with time? Author Jen Pollock Michel talks with Amy Julia Becker about our posture towards time and her new

Time and the Luxury of Ethics
“Ethics becomes a luxury as the speed of our daily life increases.” – Judith Shulevitz talking to Ezra Klein (Episode: Sabbath and the Art of

Overheard on the Trail: Best Brother
“You’re my only brother. But you’re the best brother.” We took a hike as a family over the winter break. It was mostly up a

Vulnerable Humanity
“Curing is a physical process; it’s individual, usually (fairly) rapid, and concentrates on eliminating disease. Healing is a sociocultural process. It focuses on restoring interpersonal,

Small Group Lenten Guide
GET THE FREE LENTEN SMALL GROUP GUIDE If you, like me, are looking for ways to be more intentional with prioritizing contemplation, patience, and deliberate

2 Intentions for 2023
Did any of you make New Year’s resolutions? Or answer copious questions for reflection from 2022? I started down that road, but it overwhelmed me.

Curated Reading: Putting Down the Algorithm
I recently enjoyed a New Yorker essay about Metallica. That’s right, the heavy metal band that my mother’s friends fretted about during the “Satanic panic”

The Blessings of a Small Church
One Sunday morning, I walked in late to church, looking for our family. I spotted Peter’s head and joined him and Marilee in the pew.