Introducing Season 6 of Love Is Stronger Than Fear
Welcome to Season 6 of Love Is Stronger Than Fear, a podcast about pursuing hope and healing in the midst of personal and social brokenness.

Penny Starts Her Junior Year
And all of a sudden, she’s a junior. A junior who set her alarm and woke up without nudging. Who packed her lunch and her

A Secret Sign for “I Love a Person With Down Syndrome”
I wish there were some sort of hand signal or gesture that meant, “I love a person with Down syndrome.” Kind of like “Honk if

The Song of Our Scars
So many of us are carrying so much pain in our bodies and minds, which may be why I am loving The Song of Our

The False Self is Fragile. The True Self is Vulnerable.
The false self is fragile. The true self is vulnerable. It can be really hard to know the difference. The true self is the part

Fitting Inside God’s Upside-Down Kingdom
“I needed my life to be upended in order for me to fit inside God’s upside-down kingdom.” At one of the leader sessions at Hope

What If We Choose a Different Way?
We live in a culture that values: Productivity over people Intellect over empathy Individual over community Competition over compassion Invincibility over vulnerability Isolated achievement over

Summer Sometimes Feels Wasted, and then…
Summer sometimes feels wasted. There are still chores and appointments and broken refrigerator drawers and grocery lists. And then along comes a spontaneous walk on

Honesty. Humility. Healing.
Be honest. Be humble. Begin healing. Bring healing. I had a chance to preach the final sermon in a series on healing at our church

Bible Studies for Your Group
If you are looking for a way to study the Bible on your own or in a group, here are a few suggestions. Bible Study:

Sharing Some Fun Facts Today!
Every so often, I take the time to introduce myself around here, since there are always wonderful new people joining in on the conversation. Welcome!

When Anger at Others Is Really Anger at Myself
I was so mad at Peter. I had made pulled pork and slaw for the woman at church who fell and broke her elbow. He

The Importance of Diverse Friendships
Friendships that cut across social dividing lines matter more than almost anything else in helping people move from one social class to another, according to

William Is 14!!!
Happy birthday to William, who turned fourteen yesterday! This morning, I read a blessing from the book of Numbers. It’s a blessing that has been

The Most Important Thing We Do as a Married Couple
I used to think it was simply a gift that Peter and I still like each other after twenty-plus years of marriage. That we got

Our Calendars Are Spiritual Documents
Our calendars are spiritual documents. In our modern world, time is a precious commodity. And how we use/spend/give that time tells us what and who

Video Series for Your Small Group This Fall
I got a fun DM earlier this week from a woman in California who just received a box of 50 copies of To Be Made

Camp PALS | Penny in Her Own Words
Penny had a chance to go to Camp PALS with her friend Rachel after two years of waiting due to Covid. PALS is one of

Upcoming Speaking Opportunities
I used to say that I’m a writer who sometimes speaks. What I meant by that was that I didn’t feel super confident while speaking.

Criticism: General Condemnation or Specific Conviction
One tell-tale sign of an Enneagram One is what’s called an “inner-critic,” a relentless voice inside my head that questions my decisions and makes sweeping

Healing Meals
As if it wasn’t enough for us to experience abundant love and goodness at Hope Heals Camp last week, we also got to visit a