Novels (for Adults) with Characters with Intellectual Disabilities
What novels have you read, recently or in a long-ago English class, that involve characters with Down syndrome or other intellectual disabilities? I’ve been thinking

A Birthday Gift for You
DOWNLOAD PDF GIFT What can we do to participate in healing? One year ago today, my book To Be Made Well was released. It’s a

Celebrate the Book Birthday of To Be Made Well
My friend Kiersten gave me a kintsugi bowl for my birthday last year. My birthday happens to be a few weeks after To Be Made

5-Book Giveaway
We are approaching the book birthday of To Be Made Well, so I’m celebrating with a 5-book giveaway with some other incredible authors over on

Make Time for Grown-Up Friendships
No one ever told me how important the friends I made in my twenties would be. There’s something about grown-up friendships. Those were the years

Nonverbal Individuals in the Church
When Penny was first born, an older Christian woman with a child with Down syndrome came to visit. She told me how her church hadn’t

MAiD and Lives Worth Living
Last week I spent a whole morning trying to write a post to share some thoughts with you on the sharp increase in medically assisted

I’m a Denominational Mutt
When it comes to Christianity, I am a denominational mutt. I was baptized as an infant in an Episcopal church. I was confirmed as a

S6 E14 | Lessons for Healing in a World That’s Sick with Lyndsey Medford
What do our bodies tell us about ourselves and our world? And how do we listen? Lyndsey Medford, author of My Body and Other Crumbling

Penny’s PATH
Each year, a team of friends, family, educators, and community members gathers to support and encourage Penny as we plan for her future. This annual

Holding the Lines as a Parent
I was going to be the parent who holds all the lines. The no-cell-phones-until-high-school line. The dresses-that-look-your-age-for-the-middle-school-dance line. The only-one-sugary-treat-a-day-and-only-a-small-one-at-that line. And the common-sense-media-tells- me-all-I-need-to-know-about-what-you-should-be-watching-on-television

Are People With Disabilities “Less Than” in Leviticus?
I recently opened my Instagram inbox and found a DM from one of you. I love receiving your questions about all sorts of things—parenting, disability,

The Only Thing You Stand to Lose
“All we stand to lose is the false self…” I’m in a season of transition right now. I just spent four hours packing away books

Self-Advocacy and Disability
All of us as parents walk a thin line between supporting our kids appropriately and offering them too much support. Honestly, it’s even harder to

More Resources for Black History Month
Last week, our local school hosted a series of conversations about diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging. Two things struck me: it seemed that every person

Asbury Revival: Streams of Living Water
The love of God just broke through the distraction, injustice, anxiety, and shame of our age at Asbury University in Wilmore, Kentucky. The Asbury Revival

February Introductions
One fun thing I’ve started doing about once a month is introducing myself here. This community is growing, and I love getting to know you

What Casual Discrimination Looks Like
Chris Hinds, a Denver city councilman who uses a wheelchair, was asked to hoist himself onto a debate stage last week because the stage was

You Can Be the Person Who Makes a Difference
I walked into the gym a few minutes late. Penny was perched on the sidelines along with the other cheerleaders. The boys’ basketball team had

What Are You Giving Up for Lent?
Today is Ash Wednesday, the first day of Lent. Lent is a season within the church year in which some Christians chose to intentionally abstain

S6 E13 | How a Mystery Series Tells Black History with Patricia Raybon
What is casual racism? How did a non-fiction writer end up writing a mystery series? Author Patricia Raybon talks with Amy Julia Becker about faith