grasses growing in a marsh with blue sky reflected in the water
Image courtesy of Canva Pro

What Story Are You Telling Yourself?

What if there are two true stories about your life? And what if they contradict each other?

Recently, I’ve realized I can tell myself two different stories about me. 

One is the story of being overlooked and unappreciated. The story of being seen only as a wife and a mother. The story of not selling enough books or having enough speaking events or growing my platform quickly enough. It’s a true story. 

The other is the story of being beloved and flourishing. The story of loving my family well. The story of gratitude for the work I get to do. The story of looking ahead to an uncertain future and trusting that the God who has given me purpose and gifts in the past is the God who will continue to lead the way. This is also a true story. 

Which story will I tell myself? How will I narrate my life to myself and to others? Which story tells the deeper truth? 

The story I tell is likely to be the story I live out. I want to live the story that includes hardship and sacrifice and also connects me to love and purpose and joy. And so I need to stop narrating a story of scarcity and live into the story of abundance.

More with Amy Julia:

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