Easter| Love Is Life
Love is the strongest power. Love is the core of the universe. Love is the only unending, unshakable, permanent truth. Love is life. Love is

Hope on Holy Saturday
There is a space that stretches between despair and joy. A painful moment. Of waiting. Of uncertainty. Of fear and grief and doubt tinged with

Sitting in the Dark on Good Friday
I would like to skip Good Friday. I would like the cross to not be a part of the story. I would like to ignore

Jean Vanier and the Way of Blessing
Jean Vanier was the storied founder of L’Arche, a global movement of communities for people with and without intellectual disabilities. Vanier won The Templeton Prize.

Recording the Small Talk Audiobook
I had so much fun this week recording the audiobook of Small Talk! Small Talk came out nine years ago, in 2014, and for whatever

S6 E16 | Enchantment in an Anxious Age with Katherine May
In an anxious, rational world, is there a place for enchantment? Katherine May, New York Times bestselling author of Wintering and Enchantment, talks with Amy

The Dignity of Risk
She might cut herself. She might burn herself. She might feel lonely, sad, scared, abandoned. I have read all about the dangers of helicopter parenting,

Protecting Our Children
How can we change a culture of violence and horror and meaninglessness into a culture of freedom and protection and purpose? How are we protecting

Imagining a World Without School Shootings
Three nine-year-old children were murdered in their classroom on Monday morning. Three nine-year-old children. Their beautiful faces captured our imagination through tragedy. Theirs are one

Deficit-Based Language
The only way to receive special education services for kids is by focusing on their deficits. I received a DM from one of you the

Reruns With Jesus
Eleven years ago, we moved to a new town and Peter started a new job. I called it my “year of wine and nachos,” as

What Will Perfect Humanity Look Like?
I used to think I knew what perfect humanity looked like. I thought it had to do with virtues like kindness and honesty. I also

New Glasses: It Matters What I Think
Penny is getting new glasses, after 15 years of more or less the same ones. We’ve changed the prescription but not the frames, per her

March Introductions
Hello and welcome! I wanted to introduce myself once more: I write a lot. I have been writing posts of some sort for the internet

Books I’m Reading Right Now
I have three different sets of books. There are the early morning spiritual books, the ones that stay with my journal and my Bible. Then

Siblings on World Down Syndrome Day
Last weekend I mentioned to our kids that March 21 was World Down Syndrome Day. I reminded them that a few years ago, Marilee thought

Limitations vs Limiting beliefs
I’ve been wrestling lately with the difference between my limitations and my limiting beliefs. As I look ahead to our upcoming move, I don’t want

S6 E15 | World Down Syndrome Day and Unexpected Gifts with Jillian Benfield
On World Down Syndrome Day, Jillian Benfield, author of The Gift of the Unexpected, talks with me about whether it is hard to be

World Down Syndrome Day 2023
I love World Down Syndrome Day. It’s a day to simply pause and celebrate the goodness of a world with people with Down syndrome in

Screen Time Check-In
So a few weeks ago, Peter texted our family chat and asked everyone to share a screenshot of their screen usage numbers for the previous

Understanding the Tides
I have struggled with understanding the tides. I’ve looked up scientific explanations. I’ve asked teacher-friends to explain them to me. I’ve memorized the tide charts