S6 E3 | Down Syndrome and Belonging with Heather Avis
“You belong here, as you are, who you are. Come be in this place with us.” Down syndrome advocate and author Heather Avis joins Amy Julia Becker to talk about…
“You belong here, as you are, who you are. Come be in this place with us.” Down syndrome advocate and author Heather Avis joins Amy Julia Becker to talk about…
White. Economically stable. Cares about other people. Doesn’t like social divisions. Doesn’t know what to do about those divisions. Afraid that trying to do anything will just be an exercise…
October is Down Syndrome Awareness Month! It’s a month to celebrate the lives of people with Down syndrome. It’s a month to continue to advocate for the significance of people…
She is the epitome of middle school. Marilee announced last week that we didn’t need to read to her before bed any longer. She just finished The Chronicles of Narnia…
Anxiety is everywhere. I’ve bought three books that reference anxiety in the title in the past month. The pandemic prompted dramatic increases in anxiety in teens and adults. Anxiety is…
I am a much better mom of teens and tweens than I was of toddlers. Or at least, I enjoy being the mother of teens and tweens a lot more…
In these pandemic-cautious years, I’ve missed taking communion in the front of the church. Now we sit in our pews and pass individualized cups and little baggies with bread inside.…
Prepare the child for the path, not the path for the child. I really believe in this parenting wisdom. I want to teach them independence. I want them to learn…
Essay Quick Link: New Proposal In Congress Would Remove ‘Mentally Retarded’ From Federal Law I grew up hearing the R-word from other people. “I’m so ___” or “You’re such a…
African American Studies benefits all kids. The College Board is piloting an Advanced Placement African American Studies Course, and I hope my (white) children have an opportunity to take that…