podcasts processing the election

AJB Recommends: Podcasts Processing the Election

path through autumn woodsOn election day, I felt as if a band of pain had stretched itself above my eyes and across my forehead. It wouldn’t go away. I drank water. Ate potato chips in case I needed some salt. Took Advil. I took a nap for an hour at 3:30 that afternoon, which happens about once every two years. Finally, at 5:00 that evening, as I swam through the post-nap fog, I stumbled upon an Instagram invitation to pray. I joined in “midday” prayer a few hours late, and I was both comforted and convicted by the Psalm for the day as I was processing the election. 

From Psalm 62:1-2
For God alone my soul waits in silence; from him comes my salvation.
He alone is my rock and my salvation, my fortress; I shall not be greatly shaken.

My soul was not waiting for God alone, nor was it waiting in silence. I had forgotten, yet again, that God alone is my rock and my salvation. Not our country. Not our political process. Not a particular candidate. 

After that time of prayer, my headache lifted. My energy returned. I watched the election returns that night and throughout the next week, but not with the same level of angst. 

I’ve also listened to a number of podcasts this past week that have helped me in processing the election:

processing the election

For a helpful guide in thinking about this election from the perspective of Black Christians, here’s Jemar Tisby and Tyler Burns on Pass the Mic.

For an analytical guide to what the polls got wrong, here’s Nate Cohn on The Daily.

For a helpful reminder to look for truth and beauty in the midst of uncertainty and doubt, here’s Christian Wiman talking about the poetry of home with Miroslav Volf.

Read more with Amy Julia as you’re processing the election:

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