a photo of a desk with a laptop on top of a stack of books, a lamp, and a mic in a bedroom with the bed in the background

Trouble with Podcasting Set-Up

Visuals are not my forte. As a result, I love podcasting. Theoretically, it only involves words.

And that’s what I always tell myself until about ten minutes before recording, when I remember two things:

  • that I now use video to record podcasting and
  • that I am in a rental house with an office that includes a large portrait of Frida Kahlo right behind my head

So this is me, a few minutes before welcoming Curt Thompson into conversation, scrambling to find a neutral background. 

Somehow we still managed to have a great conversation about suffering and hope. I’m not sure it would have been the same with Frida looking over my shoulder!

More with Amy Julia

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