collage of photos of Penny on senior trip

Penny in Her Own Words: Senior Trip

Life for our 18-year-old with Down syndrome isn’t perfect, but it is good. Penny just spent three days with her class on their senior spring trip. I asked her to reflect on that time and on her experiences in high school. Here are her (unedited) words:

What were some of the activities you did on your trip?

Some of the activities on the trip were: Six Flags, Dave and Busters on day 1
Day 2- American Dream Mall and Medieval Times
Day 3- South Street Seaport New York

I know sometimes you haven’t felt totally included in activities with your classmates—did you feel included on this trip?

Great question and the answer is yes.

What can people do to help you know that you are welcomed?

People could fill me In on their daily conversations and or acknowledge me and include me In some way.

What was your favorite moment of the trip?

My favorite moment of the trip was probably either American Dream or Six Flags.

How did you feel when you returned?

I felt the bittersweetness because as much as I would have loved to connect more with friends, it was good to be back and see family again.

How have you been able to build friendships this year as a senior?

I feel like this year has been the easiest year to make friends, because, not only did I connect with friends on the Senior trip I have also been praying to make more friends and God has answered the prayer by helping me make even more friends.

How do you feel about your upcoming graduation?

I feel excited but also a little sad because even though I would like to still be at Shepaug with all of my friends who are younger than me, I also am ready to begin the next chapter of my life.

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