Christmas party

Christmas: Prepare for a Party

Christmas prepare for a party
Image from Getty Images Signature

As we prepare for Christmas, we prepare for a party, to celebrate. For many years, I’ve thought about Christmas as a time to “prepare room” for Jesus. I’ve usually thought about it in terms of “cleaning up” in order to make space for Jesus. It makes sense to me: notice the “mess” or the “dirt” in my life, confess it to God. Make space for Jesus. 

Prepare to Party

But we were talking about this idea as a family last night, and Peter asked our kids what they would do if they knew Jesus was coming over. Marilee answered, without hesitation, “Get out the cheese and crackers and pour some wine!”

Her mind went immediately to throwing a party. 

She wasn’t thinking about cleaning up. She was thinking about hospitality. Welcoming. Celebration. 

There’s certainly a place for repentance and confession as we look forward to Christmas day. But, wow, am I glad that Marilee reminded me of something far more fundamental. We prepare for a party. We prepare to celebrate.

Prepare to Celebrate

We celebrate the one who comes to our doorstep and knocks, the one who is eager to join our household because He delights in being with us.

We celebrate the one who knows that there will be parts of our lives that are messy, dirty, smelly, tired, and old, and who gladly enters into that mess without judgment.

We celebrate the grace that is given to us.

We celebrate the love that is lavished upon us—freely, without condition, in abundance.

This Advent, as we play Christmas carols and decorate the tree and plan the feast and wrap the presents, we are preparing room for Jesus. We are preparing for a party.

Continue reading with Amy Julia:

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