Embracing Belovedness: A New Approach to Parenting and Mental Health
Today is World Mental Health Day. The Surgeon General recently issued a warning about the mental health of parents. Parents are stressed out about everything.

S8 E3 | How Stories of Hope Empower Justice with Jemar Tisby, Ph.D.
Apple YouTube Spotify More! The way we tell the stories of our past plays a crucial role in shaping our imagination for the future. Author

The Beautiful Thing About Offering Attention
October is Down Syndrome Awareness Month. According to the dictionary, awareness is “knowledge or perception of a situation or a fact.” Nearly two decades into

The Problem with Calling Kamala Harris “Mentally Disabled”
Former president Donald Trump recently insulted President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris by calling them “mentally impaired” and then “mentally disabled.” (more from CNN

Down Syndrome Awareness Month 2024
Today is the beginning of Down Syndrome Awareness Month. In a world of distraction, I’m thinking about what happens when we pay attention to the

S8 E2 | What’s Normal? The Anthropology of Disability with Tom Pearson, PhD
Apple YouTube Spotify More! What does it mean to be human? Who counts as a human being and why? Anthropologist Tom Pearson has been asking

Questions Every College Freshman Should Ask | Penny in Her Own Words
Questions from Penny that every college freshman needs to ask: ✏️Are there any students who know the campus, and is their role a mentor? ✏️Are

September Favorites {2024}
Favorites from September 2024: Cultures of Growth by Mary C. Murphy. For anyone interested in how the idea of “fixed” and “growth” mindsets affect communities

Saying Goodbye to Our Church
Before I write anything else, I do want to thank those of you who have decided, voluntarily, to support the work I do through a

Penny’s First Year of College Three Weeks In
After three weeks of college, here’s how Penny thinks it’s going (scroll down for her video)! How was your first week of college?!? The first

S8 E1 | Narrow Path, Spacious Life with Rich Villodas
Apple YouTube Spotify More! The ways we have envisioned success—whether it’s more wealth, social media followers, recognition, or power—might actually lead us away from an

Changing the Social Imagination (one photo at a time)
The images that I saw of people with Down syndrome when our daughter Penny was born 18 years ago were largely black and white, grainy,

2 Good Books, an Essay, and an Introduction to Season 8
I love taking a break from all sorts of things in the summer, and I also love returning to the rhythms of the fall. I’m

Introducing Season 8 of Reimagining the Good Life
Apple YouTube Spotify More! How do we envision the good life in a way that is hopeful and human and freeing and good? My name

Our Story: Down Syndrome, Identity, and Love
I was scared when I found out our oldest daughter, Penny, had Down syndrome. My husband Peter and I were 28 years old, and we

A New Way of Seeing Our Humanity
My first traditionally-published book, A Good and Perfect Gift, tells the story of our daughter Penny’s early years after her diagnosis of Down syndrome. Even more

Penny Is Off to College!
Penny is off to college! She started her first year at Post University. I recorded a video with some of her thoughts over on Instagram.

We Are Beloved: The Mindset Shift That Transformed Our Family
I remember being at a retreat where there were a lot of children present who were around the same age as Penny, our daughter who