What should we do, corporately and individually, about the reality of America’s segregated schools? How does engaging the truth of our horrific past help lead to healing in the present? And what does compassionate, creative anti-racist work look like? Here are a few of the people and podcasts helping me think through these questions about segregated schools and social healing.
Podcasts About Segregated Schools and Social Healing
The Integrated Schools podcast
I’m grateful for The Integrated Schools podcast in general, but I particularly appreciated the series they replayed this week about Brown vs. Board of Education and the harms and benefits of the Supreme Court decision to desegregate schools. This is the first episode about the long-term generational change that happens (especially for white people!) through school integration.
Interview: Barry Jenkins and The Underground Railroad
I also appreciated hearing Barry Jenkins, director of the about-to-be-released Amazon series based on Coleson Whitehead’s The Underground Railroad, talk with Terry Gross. He explained how hard it was to provide a visual language that tells the truth about enslavement. He also explained the beauty of the Black experience, particularly when it comes to the intergenerational commitment for centuries to raise Black children.
Compassionate Anti-Racism
Finally, I’ve been increasingly interested in the idea of “compassionate anti-racism” lately. In keeping with that theme, I listened to this conversation about Creative Anti-Racism between Tyler Burnes and Danielle Coke on Pass the Mic (the creative anti-racism part starts around minute 20) and this conversation on How We Win with Irshad Manji about how to have conversations across our divides (skip ahead to about minute 16 if you listen to this one, when Irshad joins the hosts).
If you enjoyed these podcasts about segregated schools and social healing, learn more with Amy Julia:
- More AJB Recommends
- Social Justice Work Requires Spiritual Practices
- AJB Recommends: Podcasts for Understanding the Black Experience
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