Talking about the “false self” and “true self” is relatively new to me. But I’m grateful for this language because it helps me make sense of myself and the work God wants to do in me.
How do I understand myself as a sinner and a new creation all at the same time? How do I understand dying and rising? How do I understand losing myself so I can find it?
There’s much more for me to understand, but Ruth Haley Barton has been a wonderful guide into this realm. I am better able to see my “false self,” and sometimes even able to understand what it would mean for those aspects of me to die. And I am more hopeful that my true self—the one that reflects the image of God in my own particular way—will be raised to life.
As the season of Easter begins, I am waiting for the Spirit of God to breathe more and more of our true selves into life.
“…there is a truer self waiting to be recognized and breathed into life by the Spirit of God.”
–Ruth Haley Barton, Invitation to Silence and Solitude
To read more with Amy Julia:
- Christ Dying With Us on Good Friday
- Love Demands Creativity
- Emotionally Healthy Spirituality and My Feelings
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