picture of Penny and Katherine Wolf at Hope Heals Camp smiling at the camera with their harms around each other

Volunteering at Hope Heals Camp

gradient blue graphic with pictures of Penny, Marilee, and Amy Julia volunteering at Hope Heals CampPenny, Marilee, and I were excited to volunteer at Hope Heals Camp this week! A little background…Hope Heals Camp was started by Katherine and Jay Wolf (Katherine was on the podcast last season!), and it “is a week-long camp experience offering resources, rest, and relationships to families affected by disabilities.”

Hospitality and Healing

I served on the hospitality team this week, and our job was to create beauty and cultivate a sense of welcome everywhere we went. I’ve said it before, but I’m reminded again that the word “hospital” is included in hospitality, and it was such an honor to participate in hospitality that welcomed people into healing.

gradient blue graphic with picture of Hope Heals Camp sign that says You Were Meant to Be Here

Every aspect of camp was thoughtful and beautiful and intentional, including the beautiful sign that said, “You were meant to be here.” It was a reminder of the purpose each one of us has in every moment and every place and every situation.

gradient blue graphic with pictures of hospitality elements at Hope Heals Camp

Some of the intentional, beautiful aspects of the camp’s hospitality included:

  • Flower arrangements the kids made to welcome people into the banquet the last night
  • Under every plate on the last night everyone finds a word: cherished, beloved, known, seen, chosen.
  • On the last night of camp, we served dessert first because they believe that we should never wait to celebrate, even in the midst of hardship and loss.

gradient blue graphic with pictures of Penny and Katherine Wolf togetherSpecial moments from the week included watching Penny and Katherine worship together and Katherine anointing Penny with words of Jesus’ love for her and oil from Love Heals.

If you’re interested in attending Hope Heals Camp as a family or serving as a volunteer, check out hopeheals.com/camp.

Learn more with Amy Julia:

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