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The Promise of Jesus’ Resurrected Body

If you ever need a good ice breaker, you can say, “Tell me the story of one of your scars.”

People will tell you about accidents and injuries, both mild and severe. Whether it’s from a skinned knee while rollerblading down a hill at unintentionally breakneck speed (yes, that was me) or the time when I was one and ran into a bench (that was William), we all carry with us the stories of hurt and healing from our past. 

We are still in the church season of Easter, and it is a season for new life and celebration and joy. It is also a season for celebrating a God who rose from the dead with his scars. With the signs of a story of pain that has healed but has not been ignored or forgotten. 

Jesus’ resurrected body is an invitation to all of us to bring our brokenness to God and trust that even when the scars and signs of that brokenness remain, God can and will nevertheless bless us.

The promise of Jesus’ resurrected body is that brokenness can be made beautiful.

-To Be Made Well

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