collage of 3 photos from Penny's senior project. On the left, Amy Julia, Peter, and Penny pose together with Penny's presentation on a screen behind them. In the middle is a photo of Penny standing at a classroom podium and smiling widely at her audience. To the right is a photo of Penny posing with three girls who are in college and who came to watch Penny's senior project presentation

Penny in Her Own Words: Senior Project Presentation

Intellectual disability does not need to prevent young adults from learning. With support, encouragement, and room to make mistakes and grow from them, students like our daughter Penny, who has Down syndrome, can engage with topics that matter to them and tell others about what they’ve learned.

Last week, we showed up to a room packed with people who wanted to hear Penny present about her senior project. Here’s what she had to say:

For people who don’t know what a senior project is, can you explain it?

Senior Project is where you take one topic or more, that is an interest of yours, and compile it into a year-long project, and at the end of the year you will need to present it for 45 minutes.

What did you choose to work on, and why?

My Senior Project was all about Event Planning. I chose this because not only do I like attending events, I also love the planning process of different events.

What did you learn about event planning?

I learned that you need to be very prepared, and you need to be committed to working long hours each day.

What did you learn about yourself?

I learned that if I want to become an event planner one day, I need to work on my time management skills and creating and sticking to a budget.

Part of senior project is a serious presentation at the end. Can you describe what you needed to do for the presentation? 

I needed to combine all of my research and knowledge Into one 45-minute presentation.

Who came to the presentation? Why do you think they chose to be there?

  • A lot of friends
  • Some family
  • And other friends out in the community or past Shepaug graduates

I think they chose to be there because they wanted to support me and my project and some of the audience members have been on my support team for a while now.

What were some of the challenges you faced along the way?

Some challenges I faced were:

  • Creating a budget
  • My time management skills and not getting to my very first event

What were some of the highlights of your project?

Some highlights of my project were:

  • Creating the trivia game
  • Minute to Win It games
  • Everyone enjoying themselves at each event

Shared with Penny’s permission


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