photo of Penny looking down at a wooden table and writing a list on a piece of paper

Penny in Her Own Words: Inclusion and High School Senior Project

What does inclusion look like for a senior with Down syndrome at our local public school? Here’s one example, in her own words, from an interview with Penny about her senior project: 

Penny, can you explain what “senior project” is at your school? 

When you are a Senior there is a class called Senior Project which all Seniors have to take. In this class you should have some ideas as to what is important to you or what you like to do and incorpoate that into a year long Project which you will present at the end of the year. 

What have you chosen for your senior project? Why did you choose it?

My Senior Project is all about Event Planning. I chose this because I am known to be a planner for 2 specific going away parties and in the future want to work in the event planning business.

What are some examples of other people’s projects? 

I have multiple examples but I want to highlight 2 specific projects.

Classmate 1: 

He has a brain tumor and that causes seizures at any time. His Senior Project is getting a training dog so that if he has a seizure the dog can respond/react in a certain way.

Classmate 2:

She is intrested in Yoga and Meditation. So for her Senior Project all year she will be researching and fnding helpful information on her specfic topic which will lead to the final presentation at the end of the year.

What will you need to learn in order to accomplish your goals for this project?

I will need to learn to limit technology distractions and to try to really focus on the work that needs to be done. Also handing in work on time.

What has been challenging about your project so far? 

I haven’t started getting tons of information on Event Planning in particular so I need to read through the book that I got and find some helpful information.

Why are you excited about it?

I am excited about my project and class in general because in class there are teachers/para’s there who want to help you. I am excited about my project because I am looking foward to planning and hosting events.

What do you think you will get out of this experience?

I think I will find some helpful information on what I need to do next and throughout this whole expirence I will take my planning very seriosuly.

photo of Penny looking down at a wooden table and writing a list on a piece of paper

More with Amy Julia:

Penny In Her Own Words
Penny in Her Own Words: Dear Parent, Congrats!
Penny in Her Own Words: What I Thought About Netflix’s Down for Love
Penny in Her Own Words: Working at The Po Cafe

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