collage of covers of some of the books, films, and podcasts mentioned in post

May 2024 Favorites

There’s so much good content out there these days, it’s hard to know where to start. Here are a few of my favorite books, podcast episodes, and films from the past month. I’d love to hear what you’re enjoying as well! Comment and share your favorites with me.

semi-transparent photo of a page of a book with text overlay that says: books, podcasts, location, films. Sharing my latest favorites with you.

1) An Ordinary Future by Tom Pearson

This memoir by anthropologist and father Tom Pearson details both his response to his daughter Michaela’s diagnosis of Down syndrome and the history of anthropology as it pertains to intellectual disability. It’s really good.

2) Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow by Gabrielle Zevin

I waited years to read this novel because I didn’t think I had any interest in a story that centers around creating video games. And yet I loved the characters and the story and even learning a lot about said games and how they are made.

3) Podcast: Dementia: Living in the Memories of God (with John Swinton)

I always appreciate John Swinton’s reminder that who we are when we are held in God’s embrace matters more than anything else. Listen here.

4) Solitude (ft. Tyler Staton) | Unforced Rhythms of Grace E4

So grateful for this sermon about learning to wait for God and why it is that the waiting sometimes goes on for so long. Listen here.

5) Atlanta Is Home To The South’s First Inter-Abilities Coffee Shop

Penny and I had the chance to visit Mend Coffee and Goods and I love this profile of the space. I also love the idea that spaces can be places of healing.

6) The Disruptors film

This documentary gave me a much better understanding of ADHD, of the ways our school system is not set up to serve kids with learning differences, and of the ways the experience of disability and “disorders” like ADHD overlap.

7) Wildcat film

Also, I haven’t had a chance to watch it yet, but I am very eager to see Wildcat, a new film about the life of Flannery O’Connor. Here’s why.

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Favorites and AJB Recommends

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