Amy Julia shakes a woman’s hand in a church foyer

How Jesus Changes the Story of Disability

Go where Jesus goes. See who Jesus sees. Tell the story that Jesus tells.

I had a chance to preach at Matthews United Methodist Church last week, and together we looked at the story of the man lying by the pool of Bethzatha in John 5. Jesus invites him to healing in the holistic sense that involves his body, mind, spirit, and relationships. 

As a congregation, we had a chance to imagine ourselves as those like the man—feeling hopeless and helpless. We also envisioned being the body of Christ and following Jesus’ lead in going to be with the people who have been rejected and overlooked, seeing them as fully human and worthy of love and care, and speaking new truth into their lives. 

Go where Jesus goes. 

See who Jesus sees. 

Tell the story that Jesus tells.


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