
The Beautiful Thing About Offering Attention
October is Down Syndrome Awareness Month. According to the dictionary, awareness is “knowledge or perception of a situation or a fact.” Nearly two decades into

Down Syndrome Awareness Month 2024
Today is the beginning of Down Syndrome Awareness Month. In a world of distraction, I’m thinking about what happens when we pay attention to the

We Are Beloved: The Mindset Shift That Transformed Our Family
I remember being at a retreat where there were a lot of children present who were around the same age as Penny, our daughter who

Friendship: Judgment and Jealousy or Celebration and Compassion
I learned early on in Penny’s life that if I spent my days comparing her to other kids, I would find myself in a place

Awakened Attention and Achievement Attention
It’s getting harder for me to set goals. I used to look ahead and plot out the course for how to achieve the next big

Down Syndrome Awareness Month: Awareness Would Be Enough
I used to think that “awareness” was too small a word for what we need in order to change the perceptions and reality for people

Free Resource: 5 Ways to Experience God’s Love
5 Ways to Experience God’s Love resource If you’re anything like me, right now you feel weary. Weary of news reports of injustice and violence

What Repentance Has to Do With Christmas
It was only this year that I learned that the four weeks of Advent (the season in the church calendar that leads up to Christmas)

Finding Freedom From the Condemnation of Comparison
A few weeks ago, I found myself in a swirl of self-righteousness and self-condemnation and comparison. It happened like this. I was heading into my

Less Distraction and Paying Attention
Distraction—largely in the form of entertainment and busyness—keeps us from love. (So does fear, and so does injustice, which I’ve been talking about in the

How to Receive God’s Love
Request Your FREE RESOURCE: 5 Ways to Experience God’s Love and Practice Peace I wrote earlier this week about what a difference it makes when

What Having a Baby with Down Syndrome Taught Me About Distraction, Fear, and Love
When our daughter was diagnosed with Down syndrome, we felt fear for her future, but love carried us all. I’m increasingly convinced that one of