picture of Amy Julia laughing and pointing to her throat with text overlay that says Body Prayers

Body Prayer: Throat

picture of Amy Julia pointing to her throat and laughing off camera with text overlay that says Body PrayersI used to “lose my voice” often when I needed to speak in public. I canceled multiple events because I couldn’t creak out the words through my throat. Once I coughed and croaked through an entire sermon. (I was also 7 months pregnant at the time. It was not a pretty sight. Or sound.)

Eventually, I realized that, yes, sometimes when I was singing or speaking in public, I used my voice more than usual, and it got tired, and I got a cold. In part, my throat was telling me to honor my own limits and get the rest I needed. 

But I also realized that I felt afraid of speaking in public. I was afraid I would sound bad. I was afraid my words would be rejected. I was afraid I would be rejected.

Once I made this connection between losing my voice and feeling afraid, I stopped losing my voice. I started to trust that I had something worthwhile to say. And I started to take care of myself enough to be able to say it. 

Body Focus: Throat

What might this body part represent? What we need to speak into the world around us.

Bible Verse:

Moses said to the Lord, “O my Lord, I have never been eloquent…I am slow of speech and slow of tongue.” Then the Lord said to him, “Who gives speech to mortals?…Is it not I, the Lord? Now go, and I will be with your mouth and teach you what you are to speak.” Exodus 4:10-12


What prayer could I bring to my body?

Give me the strength and courage to speak with love and truth. 

Help me to trust that you are with me when I speak. 

Teach me when to speak up and when to remain silent.

If you’re new to body prayer or want to read more body prayers in this series, go here.

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