You Can’t Move from Exclusion to Belonging in One Step
When it comes to the work of undoing systemic injustice in America, many of us want to skip to the end of the story, from

Is Personal Healing Opposed to Social Healing?
I used to act as though personal healing and social healing were opposed to each other. If I make time to take care of myself,

Welcome! (And Did You Know…)
I love that there are new people joining this community every day, and I wanted to take a minute to introduce myself (unofficially) to all

A Few of My Favorite Things: Week 7 | Words of Hope
I have both read and listened to so much thoughtful, wise, hopeful writing and conversation this week. I hope you’ll be able to enjoy some

Ten-Book Giveaway: Racism, Privilege, Social Healing, and Faith
I’ve teamed up with some awesome authors for a TEN-BOOK giveaway! You can win all TEN of these books, which are all about privilege, racism,

Like Trees, We Need Stress in Our Lives
I just learned that trees die without stress. A friend told me about the experiment of biosphere 2, where scientists tried to understand how our

S5 E2 | God Has Something to Say About Privilege with Dominique Gilliard
What is privilege? How can we leverage it to proclaim God’s love to the world and create communities that flourish? Dominique DuBois Gilliard, the author

Return to Belovedness
“We are intimately loved long before our parents, teachers, spouses, children and friends loved or wounded us.” —Henri Nouwen, Life of the Beloved I’m rereading

The Miscellaneous Life of a Parent
Much of the default parent life should be filed under the category “miscellaneous.” That’s what my friend Patricia says. Things like… Filling out the forms

A Few of My Favorite Things: Week 6 | Curling Up With The Culture Wars
I didn’t mean to read and listen and think about a series of controversial topics this week, but I’m passing along some of my favorite

What’s Wrong With Having Down Syndrome?
What’s wrong with having Down syndrome? It was a question I asked many years ago, when our daughter Penny was first diagnosed with an extra

Finishing To Be Made Well
Today I will set a timer on my phone for 30 minutes. I will turn the phone over so I can’t see notifications of text

The Bible Is Not About Behavior Management
I often misinterpret the words in the Bible as behavior management, when they are really invitations to surrender to love. Jesus says: “Do not judge,

On 9/11, We Remember That Love Is Stronger Than Fear
[If you are looking for my Love Is Stronger Than Fear podcast, please go here.] Evil is always (and only) a distortion of the good.

A Few of My Favorite Things: Week 5 | School and an Article About Robert E. Lee Statue
Honestly, my favorite thing about this week is that our kids all went back to school. I love their schools. They like their schools. I

Pre-Order To Be Made Well
I am really excited to say that To Be Made Well is available for pre-order (here). I’ve been working on this book for years. It

Texas’s Abortion Law and Down Syndrome
“Why would it be a bad thing for five times more people with Down syndrome to be in the world?” asked my 13-year-old son William,

S5 E1 | How Disability Taught Me the Goodness of Vulnerability with Heather Lanier
What is a meaningful life? Does thinking about disability change your answer? Heather Lanier, author of Raising a Rare Girl, talks with Amy Julia about

Lying About My Feelings
I have lied about my feelings for so long that I don’t even know I’m lying. Somewhere early on in life, I decided that I

Family Game Time: The Name Game
We’ve had a little more family time to play games this summer, and we’ve enjoyed hearts and charades and backgammon and kickball and a special

A Few of My Favorite Things: Week 4 | Braiding Sweetgrass
So yesterday, I spent the day cleaning out my parents’ basement after five feet of water rushed in and flooded all the Christmas decorations that