Tired Woman with Tea in Kitchen resting her head on her arms
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Assume Your Body Always Has Something to Say

“Your embodiment is always telling a story.”
–Hillary McBride, The Wisdom of Your Body

What would happen if we assumed that our body is always telling a story? 

What if we believed that every time we feel a twinge, a strain, an ache, a stinging pain, the onset of illness—every time, our body has something to say?

I ignore the messages my body wants to send for a variety of reasons. I ignore them out of shame. I’m afraid these messages mean I’ve done something wrong. I ignore them out of anger. I don’t want to slow down and receive the truth they might convey. I ignore them out of confusion. Sometimes I can’t understand why my hip is tight or my eye is twitching or my back feels like a board. 

But if we can begin to receive our bodies as meaningful conduits of information and experience and emotion and truth, we can begin to live into that truth. And then, if we can face the pain or discomfort with gentleness and compassion, we can begin to heal. 

What story is your body telling you today? 

(And if you want some practical ideas on how to listen to your body through prayer, check out this free resource.)

cover of Free Resource: A Guide to Body Prayers

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